31 Powerful Scriptures To Cancel Bad Dreams

31 Powerful Scriptures To Cancel Bad Dreams

Here are scriptures to cancel bad dreams you can stand on to pray. Everything in the universe answers to the word of God. With God’s word, He made the heavens and the earth, with the same word He’s restoring and recreating the universe even today. (See Hebrews 11:3, NIV) With His word, He rules the visible and the invisible world. And seeing you are joint heir with Christ and that He has vested you with the power, authority and prerogative to act in His stead through His name, you too now have the ability through His word to influence the visible and the invisible world. You can order things around in your world; you can change things as far as it concerns you and the happening of your world. You…
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23 Covered By The Blood Of Jesus Scripture

23 Covered By The Blood Of Jesus Scripture

Wondering if there are actual ‘covered by the blood of Jesus scripture,’ bible verses that emphasis the power and importance of the blood of Jesus? The Bible is replete with tons of them. To help you get your hand on them for quick reference, we have put together in this post the most relevant covered by the blood of Jesus Scripture in a one-stop shop. All for your reading and study pleasure. Enjoy! Read Also: Covered By The Blood Of Jesus: Its Meaning And Significance Covered By The Blood Of Jesus Scripture Nonetheless exhaustive, the following are some covered by the blood of Jesus Scripture - these bible verses have direct and indirect reference to covering by the blood. 1. Exodus 12:12-13, NLT: "On that night I will pass through…
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40 Great Fasting And Prayer Scriptures (Bible Verses)

40 Great Fasting And Prayer Scriptures (Bible Verses)

Fasting, Promises
Looking for fasting and prayer scriptures in a one-stop shop for a quick reference? We have your back. If you ever practiced fasting or teach it, if you really pray and also teach it, then it will be well for you to have a go to page where you can easily run through and look up scriptures on fasting and prayer. That’s what this post is about - seeing we have offered to help you with that. So, sit and let’s walk together on this post on fasting and prayer scriptures. Read Also: Benefits Of Fasting And Prayers Fasting and Prayer Scriptures In no particular scriptural order, here are fasting and prayer scriptures for your quick reference: 1. Esther 9:31: "To confirm these days of Purim in their times appointed,…
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23 Reassuring ‘Give It To God’ Scriptures (Bible Verses)

23 Reassuring ‘Give It To God’ Scriptures (Bible Verses)

Today, we are going to be looking at some give it to God scriptures, bible verses that encourage you to give it to God. So many a time, we worry ourselves over things that we do not have control over. You see people, and even Christians coming down with heart attacks and other health related issues all because of anxiety. Now, going by what is happening in our age today: pandemic, loss of jobs, incurable diseases, foreclosures, insecurity, gruesome killing and murder, natural disaster, unstable economies and political upheaval and more, you certainly have more than enough reasons to worry. But God’s word instructs us to not worry. So whose report will you believe? God’s or the situation; economic and political situations around us! God’s, of course! Plus, why would…
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41 Bible Verses For Overcoming Anxiety AT All Time

41 Bible Verses For Overcoming Anxiety AT All Time

If you are surfing the net for bible verses for overcoming anxiety, we have your back.    You don’t have to be dominated by fear. God has not given you the spirit of fear. So why fear? (2 Timothy 1:7) But we know that fear is of the devil, he instills it in you so he can gain access into your heart through fear, establish a stronghold in your mind and then begin to control your life through it. But you don’t have to give in to fear and to Satan. You can actually stop Satan from dominating your mind with fear. The Scripture says for you to resist the devil and he will flee from you. (James 4:7) These bible verses for overcoming anxiety will help you resist fear…
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35 Bible Verses About Thankfulness in Hard Times

35 Bible Verses About Thankfulness in Hard Times

Thanking God in hard times is not always convenient, but here are bible verses about thankfulness in hard times that encourage you to do so. Hard and difficult times come to us all, but how you come out at the end of those times is determined by your attitude. A thankful attitude will help you stay the course of the time and eventually put you over. But an attitude of complain, self-pity, doubt and fear will cause to be beaten hands down by the difficulty. God never promises that you will not experience hard and difficult times, but He did promise to be with you all through those times. And thanksgiving is one way your express your confidence in God’s word at such times and also a way to activating…
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19 Bible Verses About Being Thankful For The Little Things

19 Bible Verses About Being Thankful For The Little Things

Looking for bible verses about being thankful for the little things? We have you covered. God expects you to be thankful for everything in life; He particularly enjoys it when you are thankful for little things. Being thankful to God for little things that He has done for you will spur Him to do more - do big things. To help you get in the flow of thanksgiving, we have offered to help you with bible verses about being thankful, these bible verses will point you in the direction of thanksgiving. READ ALSO: Bible Verses About Thankfulness In Hard Times Bible Verses About Being Thankful For The Little Things   The following are bible verses about being thankful for the little things that will help you explode with thanks and…
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23 Meaningful Bible Verses For 70th Birthday

23 Meaningful Bible Verses For 70th Birthday

Looking for bible verses for 70th birthday on this special milestone birthday? We have you covered. 70 years birthday is worthy of celebration, a very remarkable milestone birthday at that. But what better way to mark it than with the word of God – bible verses! To that end, we have carefully selected bible verses for 70th birthday that will speak to the occasion. You can send any or all of these bible verses for 70th birthday to a dad, mom, uncle, granddad, grand mom, aunty, friend, relative, brother or sister who is 70 today. Plus, any of these bible verses for 70th birthday can be printed on birthday cards, banners and or written on that special cake for this special birthday. You never can tell what this would mean…
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19 Bible Verses For Birthday Woman On Her Special Day

19 Bible Verses For Birthday Woman On Her Special Day

If you’re surfing the net for bible verses for birthday woman, you’re most welcome. Birthdays are wonderful moments, times to reflect on life, where you are at with life and where you dream to be in the near future. Plus, it is time to count your blessing and name them one by one. And if you’re a woman and mother, that makes it all the more interesting. You surely know what life and living is, most importantly, you know the joy of loving and raising a family – husband, kids – the most exciting job in the world. That’s why for the most part, you have to be celebrated and celebrated big because you know what birthday really means. But what better way to mark and celebrate your birthday than…
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19 Scriptures On Praying In The Spirit (Bible Verses)

19 Scriptures On Praying In The Spirit (Bible Verses)

Looking around for scriptures on praying in the Spirit! We have you sorted out. A lot has been said and written about praying in the spirit – a somewhat controversial topic, you know! But what does the bible really say and teach about it. These scriptures on praying in the spirit will point you on the right direction. Plus, they will help you with quick reference study on praying in the spirit in a one-stop shop, all for your reading pleasure. Ready, let’s go! READ ALSO: Prayer Points For The Church 19 Scriptures On Praying In The Spirit 1. Romans 8:26-27 (NIV): "In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us…
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