31 Strong Prayer Points Against Spiritual Dryness

31 Strong Prayer Points Against Spiritual Dryness

You don’t have to give in to the sense and feelings of spiritual dryness, these prayer points against spiritual dryness will help poke the fire again and keep you fresh with spiritual zest and lubrication. A lot of the time, what you call spiritual dryness may just be a transition time in the realm of the spirit, a season of change for you. Yes, at such time, if you don’t understand scriptures, you may push yourself too hard thinking that you have lost it and Satan has gotten you in a corner. Many believers at such time, even begin to beat themselves for sins they think they have committed even without real knowledge of any sin that they can point to that they have committed. Sin is not always the…
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Powerful Prayer For Quick Recovery For My Wife

Powerful Prayer For Quick Recovery For My Wife

Here’s a prayer guide tagged prayer for quick recovery for my wife that you can use to pray for her recovery. You don’t want your wife to be sick, no genuine husband wants it. But sometimes, things happen and suddenly your wife is plague with sickness that you cannot explain, leaving you and the family somewhat constraint, confused and setback. What your wife needs at this critical moment of her life is your 100 percent support and consistent prayer. Yes, you can believe for her in her weak moment, you stand in faith for her and you can pray prevailing prayers for her for quick recovery in Jesus’ name. You are the head of the family and head of your wife, so you can stand in faith and pray for…
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Powerful Prayer For Quick Recovery For My Husband

Powerful Prayer For Quick Recovery For My Husband

If you are looking for prayer to pray for your husband’s quick recovery, this prayer guide tagged prayer for quick recovery for my husband will do. You don’t want your husband to be down with sickness, no kind and loving wife would wish that. If the head of the family is sick, many things will go wrong. Your husband is the pastor and shepherd of the family, when he is struck, the sheep will scatter (See Mark 14:27b, KJV) Well, the end has not come for him, you can pray him out of sickness and weakness, and you can stand in faith for his quick recovery in his time of trouble. Yes, your faith and prayer can make all the difference as to whether he recovers, when and how soon…
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Powerful Prayer For My Son Fast Recovery

Powerful Prayer For My Son Fast Recovery

If you are looking for prayer to pray for your son’s fast recovery, this prayer guide tagged prayer for my son fast recovery can be of help to you. You can stand in the gap in prayer for your son to be healed and recovered of any ailment. People did in bible days, you too can do it today. (See Matthew 17:13-15, KJV) They got results when they did, God honored their faith. Jesus Christ is the same today; what He did for one, He will do for another under the same circumstances. You can actually use your faith for your son’s recovery, you can stand and release your faith for him and he will be well sooner than you even expect. Are you ready to reach out to God…
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Powerful Prayer For Fast Recovery Of A Friend

Powerful Prayer For Fast Recovery Of A Friend

Here’s a prayer guide tagged prayer for fast recovery of a friend that you can use to pray and stand in the gap and in faith for the recovery of your friend. A friend in need is a friend indeed, they say. There’s a friend that sticks closer than a brother… that is what I believe you are my friend otherwise, you wouldn’t be thinking and looking for prayers to pray for your friend’s quick and fast recovery. (See Proverbs 18:24b, KJV) Yes, you can stand in the gap in prayer for your friend and God will honor your faith and prayer and come through for your friend speedily for strength and recovery. Are you ready now to go all out in prayer for your friend’s healing and quick recovery…
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31 Prayer Points Against The Spirit Of Fear And Anxiety

31 Prayer Points Against The Spirit Of Fear And Anxiety

Here are prayer points against the spirit of fear and anxiety that you can use to pray. You see, God has done everything in Christ Jesus for your release from the power and spirit of fear and anxiety. You are the one that should get up now and appropriate what God has already done for you in Christ through faith and prayer. A notable Christian leader once said, ‘there’s no mountain anywhere, every man’s ignorance is his ignorance.’ My people are destroyed not for lack of anything but for the lack of knowledge, the scripture declares.’ (See Hosea 4:6a, KJV) What you don’t know will readily kill you faster than what you know, What are you up to, preacher? You may ask! Your knowledge of your freedom in Christ, your…
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31 Prayer Points Against The Spirit Of Distractions

31 Prayer Points Against The Spirit Of Distractions

Here are prayer points against the spirit of distractions that you can use to pray. Most things are not what they look on the surface, you will have to look deep and deeper to really know the true nature and state. As little and casual as some people may take distraction to be, it may come as a shocker to you when you find out that Satan has a department in his kingdom headed by a power demon that infiltrate and spread distraction. What you should know is this; if you find out that you are easily distracted from things, if you find out that you cannot focus on good and honorable thoughts and things for 5 seconds without your mind wondering away in a rush, then that may mean…
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31 Powerful Prayers Against Distraction

31 Powerful Prayers Against Distraction

Here are prayers against distraction that you can use to pray. You must know that distractions are organized crime, deliberately put together against you. Distraction is deliberately calculated and unleashed against you by the devil. To say it the way it is, distraction is an intelligence, an unseen force released against you by Satan. This is why some persons are never able to stay focus on a thing, they are not able to keep their minds focus on righteousness, light and hope for a minute. One moment they are looking at Jesus, the next minute their minds and hearts have drifted away into something totally opposite and contrary. They don’t know why they just cannot stay their minds on a point for one minute, it is the enemy that is…
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31 Strong Prayers Against The Spirit Of Fear

31 Strong Prayers Against The Spirit Of Fear

Here are prayers against the spirit of fear that you can use to pray. You don’t have to allow the spirit of fear to torment you, you can resist fear, and you can stand up to it in the name of the Lord. Do you know why? It is because fear is alien to redemption, it is a complete stranger. So you must not allow what God has not given you to rule and dominate you. (See 2 Timothy 1:7, KJV) Jesus fixed the problem of fear on the cross, He dealt with it in His death and through His resurrection offers you the victory. So, in His name and power, you can conquer fear, you can conquer the demon of fear and live free of it for the rest…
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Powerful Prayer For Fast Recovery From Accident

Powerful Prayer For Fast Recovery From Accident

Here’s a prayer for fast recovery from accident that you can use to pray for self, friend or loved ones who are trusting God for recovery. God’s in the business of healing and recovery, still at it today like never before. In short, to heal in God’s plan is actually to recover. That’s why Scripture declares that those who believe will lay hands on the sick and when they do, the sick will recover. (See Mark 16:18d, KJV) God wants you well and well fast, He wants you recover through faith in His word and prayer. Yet, He is not opposed to medication. So both medicine and God’s word working together can effect quick healing if you do them in faith. Take your medicine, but don’t forget that doctors treat…
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