Powerful Prayer For Quick Recovery For My Husband

If you are looking for prayer to pray for your husband’s quick recovery, this prayer guide tagged prayer for quick recovery for my husband will do.

You don’t want your husband to be down with sickness, no kind and loving wife would wish that.

If the head of the family is sick, many things will go wrong.

Your husband is the pastor and shepherd of the family, when he is struck, the sheep will scatter (See Mark 14:27b, KJV)

Well, the end has not come for him, you can pray him out of sickness and weakness, and you can stand in faith for his quick recovery in his time of trouble.

Yes, your faith and prayer can make all the difference as to whether he recovers, when and how soon he recovers.

This is why you should pray.

Are you ready to make power available in prayer for your husband’s quick and fast recovery?

Let’s do it together.

READ ALSO: Prayer For Quick Recovery For My Wife

Prayer For Quick Recovery For My Husband

The following is a prayer guide tagged prayer for quick recovery for my husband that you can use to pray and release your faith in God’s quickening power to heal your husband.

Prayer To The Father

Father, I want to thank you for the provision you made in Christ Jesus for my husband’s recovery in His death, burial and resurrection from the dead.

Thank you Father for I know that in Christ Jesus you have legally secured my husband’s release from sicknesses and infirmities – with nothing stopping it.

Sin taking away, Satan defeated and grace given, all so that my husband can walk away free from the oppression of the devil called sickness. Thank you for this Lord, in Jesus’ name.

Now, Lord, in the name of your Son Jesus Christ, I take my husband’s release, I demand his recovery, I demand it now, in Jesus’ name.

All you did in Christ in redemption, you did personally for my husband, you secured His freedom by the blood and now I claim and take it for him, in Jesus’ name.

Now, Lord, I stand upon the finished work on the cross and exercise my right in redemption by asking that you send your word, your healing word to my husband for cure, healing, strength and recovery, in Jesus’ name.

Prayer Against The Devil

Satan, you knew what happened on the cross, the story of humanity’s redemption and your defeat is ever fresh in your mind, I come to quickly remind you of it in the behalf of my husband.

I want to remind you that you right to afflict my husband with sin and sickness has been taken away by Jesus Christ, so you have no legal basis to afflict him.

I want to remind you all the more that Jesus bought with His shed blood my husband’s salvation and healing, so you have no right to interfere today with the transmission of the transaction to and on my husband’s life through the power of the Holy Spirit.

Having reminded you of your defeat in my life and my husband’s, I urge you in good faith, for your own good to take your hand off of my husband’s life.

I command you to stop your assaults on his body, mind, emotion and character, stop hurling arrows of sickness and weakness on and at him; stop it, in Jesus’ name.

Thus far and no further, stop your attacks and desist from your operation against him, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.

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Prayer For His Body

Yes Father, in Christ’s name I speak strength into my husband’s body, I command quick recovery for him, I command speedy healing and fast recovery by the power of the Holy Spirit on his body, in Jesus’ name.

Yes, I command the life of God to come to you now my husband, receive an infusion and transfusion of the life and power of God into your body for healing and for strength, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.

Recover quickly and speedily, in Jesus’ name.

I declare that your body is responding to treatment; every medication administered on you, every drip, liquid, food and drink that you are taking are mingled with the life of God, the blood of Christ and the power of the Holy Spirit and they produce a triple effect of healing, strength and recovery for you, in Jesus’ name.

Live and not die, in Jesus’ name.

It is well with you, my husband, in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.  

Prayer For The Mind

Now, Lord, I speak to my husband’s mind in your name; I declare that his mind, emotion and will are resolute and firm and his faith is absolute in you and on your word.

No seed of fear, doubt, quilt, condemnation and self-pity sowed by the evil one shall prosper in his mind. I declare no thoughts of anxiety and hopelessness shall successfully take root and shape in your mind, in Jesus’ name.

I plead the blood of Jesus for the protection and preservation of your thought life, dream life and your imagination, I declare that they are all held together in peace, firmness and wholeness, in Jesus’ name.

You will not loose your mind to evil, wrong thoughts and feelings of failure, in Jesus’ name.

Your mind is sound and in form all through this period of your trouble and it will remain whole till you rise up completely healed from the bed of affliction, in Jesus’ name.


PEOPLE ALSO READ: Prayer For Fast Recovery Of A Friend


Yes, prayer for quick recovery for my husband!

You can be sure that God has heard your prayer and that His power has gone to work in your husband’s life.

He will rise up from that bed of affliction, healed and delivered by the power of God.

See him well, see him come home soon, see him recover fully and quickly and you will have what you see.

Don’t stop praying, declaring and confessing God’s word over your husband until you see rise up completely healed, strong and stable!

Your prayer can and will make all the difference in his life, so take up the prayer responsibility dutifully for your husband.

Receive grace to do it, in Jesus’ name.

I see your husband restored back to you in sound health sooner than you anticipated, in Jesus’ name.


God bless you.

All the best!


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