Powerful Prayer For Fast Recovery Of A Friend

Powerful Prayer For Fast Recovery Of A Friend

Here’s a prayer guide tagged prayer for fast recovery of a friend that you can use to pray and stand in the gap and in faith for the recovery of your friend. A friend in need is a friend indeed, they say. There’s a friend that sticks closer than a brother… that is what I believe you are my friend otherwise, you wouldn’t be thinking and looking for prayers to pray for your friend’s quick and fast recovery. (See Proverbs 18:24b, KJV) Yes, you can stand in the gap in prayer for your friend and God will honor your faith and prayer and come through for your friend speedily for strength and recovery. Are you ready now to go all out in prayer for your friend’s healing and quick recovery…
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31 Prayer Points Against The Spirit Of Fear And Anxiety

31 Prayer Points Against The Spirit Of Fear And Anxiety

Here are prayer points against the spirit of fear and anxiety that you can use to pray. You see, God has done everything in Christ Jesus for your release from the power and spirit of fear and anxiety. You are the one that should get up now and appropriate what God has already done for you in Christ through faith and prayer. A notable Christian leader once said, ‘there’s no mountain anywhere, every man’s ignorance is his ignorance.’ My people are destroyed not for lack of anything but for the lack of knowledge, the scripture declares.’ (See Hosea 4:6a, KJV) What you don’t know will readily kill you faster than what you know, What are you up to, preacher? You may ask! Your knowledge of your freedom in Christ, your…
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31 Prayer Points Against The Spirit Of Distractions

31 Prayer Points Against The Spirit Of Distractions

Here are prayer points against the spirit of distractions that you can use to pray. Most things are not what they look on the surface, you will have to look deep and deeper to really know the true nature and state. As little and casual as some people may take distraction to be, it may come as a shocker to you when you find out that Satan has a department in his kingdom headed by a power demon that infiltrate and spread distraction. What you should know is this; if you find out that you are easily distracted from things, if you find out that you cannot focus on good and honorable thoughts and things for 5 seconds without your mind wondering away in a rush, then that may mean…
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31 Powerful Prayers Against Distraction

31 Powerful Prayers Against Distraction

Here are prayers against distraction that you can use to pray. You must know that distractions are organized crime, deliberately put together against you. Distraction is deliberately calculated and unleashed against you by the devil. To say it the way it is, distraction is an intelligence, an unseen force released against you by Satan. This is why some persons are never able to stay focus on a thing, they are not able to keep their minds focus on righteousness, light and hope for a minute. One moment they are looking at Jesus, the next minute their minds and hearts have drifted away into something totally opposite and contrary. They don’t know why they just cannot stay their minds on a point for one minute, it is the enemy that is…
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31 Strong Prayers Against The Spirit Of Fear

31 Strong Prayers Against The Spirit Of Fear

Here are prayers against the spirit of fear that you can use to pray. You don’t have to allow the spirit of fear to torment you, you can resist fear, and you can stand up to it in the name of the Lord. Do you know why? It is because fear is alien to redemption, it is a complete stranger. So you must not allow what God has not given you to rule and dominate you. (See 2 Timothy 1:7, KJV) Jesus fixed the problem of fear on the cross, He dealt with it in His death and through His resurrection offers you the victory. So, in His name and power, you can conquer fear, you can conquer the demon of fear and live free of it for the rest…
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Powerful Prayer For Fast Recovery From Accident

Powerful Prayer For Fast Recovery From Accident

Here’s a prayer for fast recovery from accident that you can use to pray for self, friend or loved ones who are trusting God for recovery. God’s in the business of healing and recovery, still at it today like never before. In short, to heal in God’s plan is actually to recover. That’s why Scripture declares that those who believe will lay hands on the sick and when they do, the sick will recover. (See Mark 16:18d, KJV) God wants you well and well fast, He wants you recover through faith in His word and prayer. Yet, He is not opposed to medication. So both medicine and God’s word working together can effect quick healing if you do them in faith. Take your medicine, but don’t forget that doctors treat…
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Powerful Prayer For Fast Healing After Surgery

Powerful Prayer For Fast Healing After Surgery

Looking for prayer to pray for quick and fast recovery after surgery? This post on prayer for fast healing after surgery may serve you well. It is one thing to have a successful surgery, it is another thing to heal, heal fast and quick, and to heal permanently. A lot of factors are responsible for fast healing of any ailment. The attitude and state of the mind, the response of the body to treatment and ultimately, the working of the power of God. To heal fast and permanently from surgery, the hand of God must be involved, the power of God must be at work, something that doctors cannot ordinarily explained must be in operation. And it is through faith and prayer that the invisible-healing hand of God is secured,…
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Powerful Prayer For Fast Recovery Of My Brother

Powerful Prayer For Fast Recovery Of My Brother

Looking for prayer to pray over your brother for fast recovery? This post tagged ‘prayer for fast recovery of my brother’ will serve you well. God personally cares about your brother no matter the state he is in right now. Did you know that? He will not abandon and leave him off to die, no. He wants him well, He wants him strong, He wants him come out of that bed of sickness, stronger and better than he was before he was afflicted. No matter what may have happened to your brother, accident, had surgery, infections...whatever the challenge is that on his body and mind, God’s Life (Word) and Power will see to His quick and fast recovery. He sent His word, and healed them, and delivered them from their…
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31 Powerful Prayer Points To Heal The Land

31 Powerful Prayer Points To Heal The Land

Here are prayer points to heal the land that you can use to pray. The scripture declares that if God’s people called by His name will humble themselves and pray, seek His face, and turn from wickedness …that He will heal their land. (See 2 Chronicles 7:14, KJV) God’s word cannot be broken, will not fall to the ground. If you have done your part; you have humbled yourself, repented of all known sin, then go seeking God… He will do His part, heal the land. God is waiting for you to align with His word so He can do what He said He will do. Healing of our land is His will, whether the healing the land needs is spiritual, physical, material, marital, financial or otherwise, God will heal…
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31 Strong Prayer Points Against Depression And Anxiety

31 Strong Prayer Points Against Depression And Anxiety

Here are prayer points against depression and anxiety that you can use to pray. Depression is of the devil, an oppression of the devil on the mind. Anxiety is her twin sister. The person who is attacked by the demon of depression first and foremost will begin to show sign of real, intense and deep fear, fright beyond the ordinary. Well, this is not a course to define depression and anxiety and how they manifest in someone’s life. This post is on how to deal with this twin evil in the name of the Lord. Jesus, through His death, burial and resurrection from the dead make it possible for you to be legally free from depression and anxiety. He purchased your release by His sacrifice on the cross. You have…
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