23 Powerful Midnight Prayers For Protection

23 Powerful Midnight Prayers For Protection

Here are midnight prayers for protection you can use to pray tonight. God gave the believer the weapon of prayer not just so he can effectively communicate and commune with God but also that He can through prayer exercise authority and dominion over the works of Satan on earth. Prayer, effective praying is power with God. And it is even more powerful when you are strategic and deliberate about your prayers. One of such strategy is setting yourself to pray earnestly at night. (See Luke 6:12, KJV) This is where midnight prayers for protection comes in. Some things answer fast and better at midnight. Are you ready to pray now and put up the ensign of protection over your life, loved ones, family, ministry, work, property and more? Let us…
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23 Strong Midnight Prayers For Marriage

23 Strong Midnight Prayers For Marriage

Here are midnight prayers for marriage that you can use to pray. Don’t leave your marriage to chance, Satan will ruin it. It may surprise you to know that the destruction and collapse of Christian marriages and homes is top on the list on Satan’s yearly agenda. He hates Christian-godly-biblical marriage, he hates the fact that you are married, he hates it the most because you are a Christian. Why? It is because, the Christian marriage is an expression of trinity in the natural real (the husband, the wife and God) It is more like a church. For where two or three are gathered together in His name, He is there in their midst. (See Matthew 18:20, KJV) That’s marriage in a nutshell. And you think that Satan will be…
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23 Midnight Prayer Points For Financial Breakthrough

23 Midnight Prayer Points For Financial Breakthrough

Here are midnight prayer points for financial breakthrough that you can use to pray. Money matter is spiritual warfare, that’s why the mid night is the right time to tackle it. You cannot breakthrough in the realm of finances if you do not know how to contend with mammon over your finances. See, Christians are particularly attacked by the spirit of mammon in the form of lack and scarcity so that they cannot successfully prosecute the counsel of God for their lives. That accounts for the reason why many Christians struggle financially. Satan does not want you to have money, he wants to keep you down in penury, lack and want because he knows you need money to do all that God wants you to do on earth. So you’ve…
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23 Powerful Prayer Points For Intending Couples

23 Powerful Prayer Points For Intending Couples

Here are prayer points for intending couples that you can use to pray. Now that you have come this far, you have risen through the ranks of dating and now into the place of courtship and marriage, it’s time you face the facts and tell yourself the truth about life. Do you want to go on and marry your man or woman? Have you given consideration to the facts of pain, difficulty and sometimes frustrations that marriage brings? If your answer is yes, then it’s time you finish up the stage through prayer. You have got a lot to pray about as an intending couple, thank goodness that these prayer points for intending couples comes handy as a guide and an inspiration to your prayer. (See Philippians 4:6, KJV) Ready…
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23 Special Prayer Points For Dating Couples

23 Special Prayer Points For Dating Couples

Here are prayer points for dating couples that you can use to pray. To say it scriptural, dating is a time for two believers (male and female) to check out who they really are, what their likes and weaknesses are, so they can ascertain if they are good together in marriage or not. It is a time to know one another. At this stage in your relationship, the knowledge you gained of the other person will help inform your decision to marry or not, to prepare for a life together or not as the case may be. But truth be told, a lot of people hide so much when dating and even when courting. So how do you come to find out who the person you are dealing with really…
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23 Powerful Prayer Points For A Successful Marriage

23 Powerful Prayer Points For A Successful Marriage

Here are prayer points for a successful marriage you can use to pray. Marriages are not made in heaven but on earth. It is a union between two imperfect persons but who seek to represent God on earth and who chooses to continue His mandate of filling the earth with people. Just like every, and any other vocation in life, you need knowledge to be able to successfully run your home and marriage.   While the exact knowledge and an understanding of your spouse is important to making a success of your marriage, you need spiritual knowledge all the more. Good enough, through prayers and the word of God, the Holy Spirit is able to furnish you with knowledge, insights and understanding that is peculiar to your marriage so you…
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23 Powerful Prayer Points For Uncommon Grace

23 Powerful Prayer Points For Uncommon Grace

Here are prayer points for uncommon grace that you can use to pray. Grace is available to every believer in Christ, the scripture tells us this (Ephesians 4:7, KJV) Yet, there’s another level of grace that is uncommon, different from what every day believer enjoys, it is called ‘great grace.’ Now, you ought to begin to enjoy this grace, seeing that God gives grace to all, He will give you this grace if you ask Him. But here’s a fact, you will really begin to walk in uncommon grace when you are dogged with instructions from God. Keep that in mind please. If you will give your all to God and always do what He tells you to do, you will begin to work in the realm of uncommon grace…
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23 Powerful Prayer For Divine Mercy And Favour

23 Powerful Prayer For Divine Mercy And Favour

Here is a list of prayer for divine mercy and favour that you can use to pray. Of course, you are aware that God’s mercy and favour is not for everybody. It is for those He called, those He loved in Christ Jesus. So, if you are a believer, then rejoice because God’s mercy is available for your enjoyment and His favor in abundance for your lifting. This is because you are the beloved of God, those He Has chosen and reserve for His mercy and favor. (See Exodus 33:19, KJV) Be that as it may, you have a role to play to have divine mercy and favor work in your life. Prayer amongst other things is a sure way to activating divine mercy and favor. Let’s get to it.…
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23 Strong Prayer Points For Divine Favour With Bible Verses

23 Strong Prayer Points For Divine Favour With Bible Verses

Here are prayer points for divine favour with bible verses that you can use to pray. Divine favour does not fall on people like ripe cherries, you have got to pray it out. Best of all, you have scriptures in this post to back up your prayers. God is not under obligation to honor you (your tears and cries, whatsoever), but He’s under obligation to honor His word. So when you pray scriptural or scripture based prayers, He will answer you because by so doing so, you are taking His word back to Him. You are doing what is called; praying the word – which is one of the best ways to pray and get answers, the other being praying in the spirit. That said, let me walk you through…
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23 Powerful Prayer Points For Divine Opportunity

23 Powerful Prayer Points For Divine Opportunity

Here are prayer points for divine opportunity that you can use to pray. Does God arrange meetings and appointments with people? Yes, He does. He did in bible days, He still does today because He does not change. (See John 4:1-7, KJV) Are you looking to God to create opportunities and appointments for you that will better your life, then these prayer points for divine opportunity will help you to accurately channel your need to God. God knows how to create favorable circumstances for the good of those who He loves and who loves Him in return. It’s your time and season for divine opportunity, in Jesus name. Are you ready to pray it out? Let’s get started. READ ALSO: Prayer Points For Divine Favour With Bible Verses Prayer Points…
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