31 Strong Prayer Points For Victory In Spiritual Warfare

31 Strong Prayer Points For Victory In Spiritual Warfare

Here are prayer points for victory in spiritual warfare you can use to pray. See, God promises victory in every area of the believer’s life; his spiritual life, in his mind, in body, business, finances, marriage, family, work, in his prayer life and in every area of his life and service of the almighty. That is something you should be settled about. The scripture is very clear on this when it says: “Now thanks be unto God which causeth us to triumph in Christ and maketh manifest the savour of his knowledge by us in ever place.” (2 Corinthians 2:14, KJV) Nothing can be clearer. So, all you need for victory in spiritual warfare - your prayers and intercession for God’s will to be done on earth among the nations…
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31 Strong Scriptural Prayers For Pastors And Leaders

31 Strong Scriptural Prayers For Pastors And Leaders

Here are scriptural prayers for pastors and leaders you can use to pray. God’s leaders and pastors are number one target of Satan. ‘Smite the Shepherd and the sheep will be scattered,’ the Scripture says. (See Zechariah 13:7, KJV) That tells you something about pastors and leaders of God’s people: when they fall, many falls with them, when they loose it, a lot more people will loose it too. That’s to tell you the power and influence their stand and testimonies have on the body of Christ, Little did we wonder why the devil is up on his heel against them! Would you like to see your pastor or leader go down in sin, sickness, deception, financial misappropriation, marriage, family and otherwise? Your answer no doubt must be a big…
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31 Great Spiritual Warfare Prayers For Marriage

31 Great Spiritual Warfare Prayers For Marriage

Here are spiritual warfare prayers for marriage you can use to pray. You think Satan is happy that you are married, right! You must be a joker. He will do everything to destroy it; he will put up every fight and throw tantrum just so he breaks your marriage or make you unhappy and ‘dying in silence,’ that is, if you even manage to still keep it. Hey, marriage is spiritual, and it has to be controlled, operated and governed over spiritually. The spiritual forces at your disposal for doing this are the Word of God and the Spirit of Holiness, yet these forces are actively deployed in your marriage through prayer. So you can now see how important prayer is to the success, sustenance and glory of your marriage!…
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31 Strong Prayers Against Stagnation And Backwardness

31 Strong Prayers Against Stagnation And Backwardness

Here are prayers against stagnation and backwardness you can use to pray. Everything that God created is designed by default to grow, increase and multiply. That’s the will of God. But often, stagnation and backwardness seem to take over; instead of moving forward, some persons are going backward, while some are stuck in a place, never making any significant progress year in and year out. That’s not God, it is never His will. Now, if you are that way, if that’s your experience in life up to this moment, your change and deliverance has come today. It’s time that that evil stops. It’s time you move forward. God is delighted in the well being and prosperity of His servants, the Bible declares. (See Psalm 35:27, KJV) Ready to move up…
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31 Great Spiritual Warfare Prayers For The Nations

31 Great Spiritual Warfare Prayers For The Nations

Here are spiritual warfare prayers for the nations you can use to pray. If there ever was a time to pray for the nations of the world, now is the time. Satan is on rampage, on his last lap, running like never before to see how much he can accomplish because he knows his time is running out. A look around you and you will be confronted with so much evil, strong and heavy enough in the atmosphere around you that you can literally touch it. It is sometime overwhelming to the child of God. But you see, God is love and light, He is righteous and just, He wants His will done on earth as it is in heaven. Yet the only way to have His will done on…
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40+ Prayer Points Against Family Curses

40+ Prayer Points Against Family Curses

Here’s a list of about 40 prayer points against family curses that you can use to pray. Curses are real, family curses are real and tangible, but more real also is the power of the blood of Christ to destroy them. If your family is showing traces of a curse or curses, don’t fret, you can change the course of the family if you take the time to find out what God has done in Christ about curses and then take the time more so to pray and effect the change in your family.   It’s that simple. Curses are never permanent, they can be reverted. The only somewhat permanent curse is the curse from God. But when a person under God’s curse repents, God will forgive and revert the…
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31 Strong Night Prayer Points For Family Protection

31 Strong Night Prayer Points For Family Protection

Here are night prayer points for family protection you can use to pray. There’s something about praying in the night that you must never forget: it is during the night time that you actively negotiate your life and destiny. Jacob encountered God in the night time. It was during this night time encounter that Jacob had the blessing of Abraham activated in his life by the angel of the Lord that blessed him by changing his name. (See Genesis 32:22-28, KJV) Jesus too, settled most of His passion and destiny’s pursuit in the night. It is recorded in scripture that He (Jesus) had the habit of waking up a great while before dawn to seek His Father in prayer. (See Mark 1:35, KJV) That tells you something: Jesus knew the…
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31 Strong Intercessory Prayer Points For Family

31 Strong Intercessory Prayer Points For Family

Here are intercessory prayer points for family you can use to pray. God is a God of families and generations. You sure know that the family is God’s first institution on earth and was the first to be hit by the devil as well. Spare the human family and God’s plan of a kingdom and reign on earth will prosper, but destroy the family and God’s agenda for the earth will not materialize. You can be sure the side the devil is on – corrupt the human family and by extension inhibit God’s plan from coming to pass. See, Satan hates you and your family just the same way he hated Jesus and the family of Joseph and Mary. He will not spare anything until he destroys the strongest relationship…
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23 Strong Prayer Points For Family Protection And Guidance

23 Strong Prayer Points For Family Protection And Guidance

Here are prayer points for family protection and guidance you can use to pray. The protection and security of your family affects you in every way. God forbids that a member of your family is kidnapped, you will be affected. What happens if a member of the family gets in trouble, sick, is involved in a fatal accident, depressed, broke and brought down by bandits and fraudsters, it will touch you, one way or the other. In these last days, where Satan is fully out, ravaging and storming our cities, homes and schools with violence and organized crime, you and I have to intensify our prayer for protection. And in today’s world where distractions and many voices are calling for attention, you will need the discernment of spirit to receive…
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23 Powerful Prayer Points For Anointing

23 Powerful Prayer Points For Anointing

Here are prayer points for anointing that you can use to pray. Hey, you need the anointing of God on your life to be able to do what God has called you to do. When God calls a person, He furnishes him with an ability, an enablement to do what he’s assigned to do, that enablement is the anointing. Put simply, the anointing is God’s supernatural power and force at work in and on you that helps you accomplish God’s purpose and enforce His reign and dominion in your sphere of influence. The anointing is God in you accomplishing His work on earth. Without it, you can’t do God’s work. And boy, you need the anointing in these last days than ever, even more than anything else. That’s why you…
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