31 Powerful Prayer Against Delay And Stagnation

31 Powerful Prayer Against Delay And Stagnation

Here is a list of prayer points tagged 'prayer against delay and stagnation' you can use to pray. There’s a time for everything under the sun, the bible declares. (See Ecclesiastes 3:1, KJV) That’s a fact. There’s a time for instance to marry and to build your own house. If at 40, a lady is not married, everybody will be asking questions. Why? Because, she’s almost past her flower and marriageable age. There’s a right time to build your house. If you build your house at age 70, people will come and celebrate with you, at least you still were able to build. But truth is, that’s not the right time to build and own a house. Whatever made you not to build your house on-time and or marry in…
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31 Powerful Prayer Points Against Stagnation With Bible Verses

31 Powerful Prayer Points Against Stagnation With Bible Verses

If you are feeling stuck and don’t know what to do and go with life, these prayer points against stagnation with bible verses are for your release. God’s plan and purpose for you is upward and forward, growth and progress. He’s does not take pleasure in seeing you stuck, stagnant and tied down in one place for years with nothing to show for life and living. No! God wishes and wants you well, He wants you grow, make progress, advance and prosper in life. (See 3 John 2, KJV) Satan is in the business of putting people down, God is in the business of lifting people up and moving them forward. To be sure that God is up against stagnation and wants you free from it, He sent Jesus to…
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Fasting And Praying For A House: A Quick Guide

Fasting And Praying For A House: A Quick Guide

Fasting, Prayer
If you are looking at fasting and praying for a house, this guide will be of help to you. It is important you know the purpose of fasting. It is not meant to change God, but you. It is not meant for a ‘bribe’ on God, but to better position you to hear and receive from God. Yes, fasting has a lot of benefits; it brings you into a place of power with God where demons literally bow and check out when you command them to in the name of Jesus Christ. It is meant to secure divine and angelic intervention in matters that are beyond you. In all, fasting changes you more than it changes any other thing. With that introduction in mind, let us now proceed to looking…
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Helpful Tips On Fasting And Praying To Hear From God

Helpful Tips On Fasting And Praying To Hear From God

Fasting, Prayer
Here’s a guide on fasting and praying to hear from God. Hearing from God is the redemptive right of every Christian. Yes, Jesus died, was buried and rose again from the dead to restore to you the ability to hear God. Better put, Jesus died, was buried and rose again from the dead to bring you back to a place in God where you can hear Him and hear Him clearly. If you are a believer in Jesus Christ therefore, you are in Christ, in a place and position where you can hear God. Whether you fast or not, you are supposed to be able to hear your Father’s voice whenever He speaks to you. So for us, hearing God is more a skill to develop than really a prayer…
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Fasting And Praying For A Future Husband: A Quick Guide

Fasting And Praying For A Future Husband: A Quick Guide

Fasting, Prayer
If you feel the need to go fasting and praying for a future husband now that you are not married yet, this guide on fasting and praying for a future husband will be of help. People spend time praying for many things, most of which are important and legitimate, and of which many too are just share expression of anxiety and unbelief. Most of the things you pray for are things that you already have instructions from God’s word on what to do about them. For instance, people pray about anxieties, fear, worries, cares etc. But the Scripture is clear on what to do about worries, fears and cares. (See Philippians 4:6, 1 Peter 5:7, 1 John 4:18). Just do, act on the scripture and those things will be taken…
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11 Valuable Things To Do While Fasting And Praying

11 Valuable Things To Do While Fasting And Praying

Fasting, Prayer
Let me show you in this guide, how to go about fasting and praying the right way; things to do while fasting and praying. You may be experienced or new to the business of fasting and praying, I call it a business because prayer is a real, serious business with God. Whatever your position, there may be something new to learn. See, prayer is way more than asking for things from God, it is actually joining forces with God in carrying out His will on the earth. Your faith life is as robust as your prayer life. That’s how foundation and strategic prayer is to your Christian faith. And when you want to go the extra mile in seeking God, you may want to add fasting to your prayer. With…
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Fasting And Praying For Relationship Restoration: The Bible Way

Fasting And Praying For Relationship Restoration: The Bible Way

Fasting, Prayer
It is possible that through prayer and fasting, relationships can be restored. It is to this end that we put together this guide on fasting and praying for relationship restoration to help you. Anything can be restored as far as God is concerned. Time can be restored, wealth can be restored, family can be restored, fortunes can be restored, businesses and estates can be restored; the example of Job serves us well. (See Job 42:10, KJV) Relationship, at whatever level and with whoever, can be restored. It can be done through the power of the Holy Spirit. Did you realize that the word ‘restore’ is a verb, it is a power word. It means to fix, mend, to return something or someone back to its original, usable and functioning condition.…
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Fasting and Praying For Marriage Restoration: A Quick Guide

Fasting and Praying For Marriage Restoration: A Quick Guide

Fasting, Prayer
It is possible to have your marriage back no matter how bad things have become, this guide on fasting and praying for marriage restoration will show you how. Many marriages are on the verge of collapse, a lot have already. Whether yours has completely disintegrated and have even resulted in separation, God can still restore it. If your spouse is cheating on you or has left you for another woman or man, you can still have him or her back. As long as you are legally married and God has been the center of your marriage, then you can have back what the devil has stolen from you. You can have the heart, love, support, loyalty and respect of your spouse back. If there’s a man on earth to pray,…
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Fasting And Praying For A Baby: A Scriptural Guide

Fasting And Praying For A Baby: A Scriptural Guide

Fasting, Prayer
If after all the prayers said over you by men and women of God for a baby seem not to be working, think it’s time you do it yourself, go the extra mile, fasting and praying for a baby all by yourself. Sometimes, you need to give something for some things to break. Yes, you do not necessarily have to add fasting to your prayer before God comes through for you, but you may need to when what you are asking for is not forth coming as it were. At that point, you are not just praying asking of God, no. You are dealing with some other forces that are resisting your breakthrough.  It doesn’t cost God anything to hear and answer your prayer, Jesus makes that possible big time.…
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31 Strong Warfare Prayer Points For Breakthrough

31 Strong Warfare Prayer Points For Breakthrough

Here are warfare prayer points for breakthrough you can use to pray. Did you realize that breakthrough is a verb? Yes, it takes power to induce a breakthrough. No matter what area of life you are looking to God for breakthrough, you will need the power of God to make it happen. The power of the Holy Spirit is what brings breakthrough. The power that raised Jesus from the dead, is the power for breakthrough. Did you know that the resurrection of Jesus Christ is the greatest breakthrough in the world? The Holy Spirit raised Jesus from the dead against all oppositions, broke Him through the ranks of demons and death and back to life. That’s breakthrough. That’s what you need. Ready to pray and deploy the power of the…
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