23 Powerful Prayer Points For Prophetic Anointing

23 Powerful Prayer Points For Prophetic Anointing

Here are prayer points for prophetic anointing that you can use to pray. The anointing of the Holy Spirit is a treasure to the believer. It is that which fits you to be able to deal sufficiently with the devil and also bring help to the suffering and afflicted and also to become a blessing to the body of Christ. You may not know this; even though the source of the anointing is the (one) Holy Spirit, yet anointing is in degree and there are differences or varieties to it. There’s the anointing to preach, anointing to pastor, anointing to stand in the office of the prophet, anointing to heal the sick and cast out devils, etc. Your calling and office will determine the anointing of the Holy Spirit that…
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23 Prayer For A Supernatural Anointing For Fresh Fire

23 Prayer For A Supernatural Anointing For Fresh Fire

Here’s a list of prayer for a supernatural anointing for fresh fire you can use to pray. You need the anointing of God working in your life to be able to subdue devils and kingdoms for God. It is true that everyone that’s joined to the Lord by way of the new birth and the reception of eternal life is anointed to a certain degree. But to fulfill God’s specific call on your life, particularly if you are called into real and active service-ministry, you will need a higher anointing to function and deliver results as it were. Unfortunately (for short of the right word to use), this kind of anointing does not come cheap, there’s a price for it. Quality time in God’s presence is one of the price…
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23 Special Prayer Points On Grace With Bible Verses

23 Special Prayer Points On Grace With Bible Verses

Here are prayer points on grace with bible verses that you can use to pray. Grace is unmerited favor, that’s the common Christian definition. But is actually more than that. Grace is God’s ability at work in your spirit that makes you do things with ease. Grace is God’s supernatural ability and strength at work in you. See, when you find grace, you stopped working. You must have heard of some persons who say they don’t struggle to do what they do, they love their work, and it gives them pleasure. When you hear a person says that, what it simply means is that, such a person has found grace. Grace makes your work and life a pleasure. While other people will moan, grumble and complain about the same thing…
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23 Strong And Powerful Prayer Points For Breakthrough

23 Strong And Powerful Prayer Points For Breakthrough

Here are powerful prayer points for breakthrough you can use to pray. Hey, some walls and barriers in the realm of the spirit have to be pushed down if you must have your way with life. Believe it or leave it. You will have to mount spiritual pressure on these barriers until they come crumbling down. That’s what is called breakthrough. Well, prayer is one way to doing this. Another, is fasting (and prayer of course). If you are serious and really want to get through with the barriers that are holding down many areas of your life; money, marriage, progress, prosperity, fruitfulness, family, ministry, you need to pray and pray intelligently with the word. Now, these word based powerful prayer points for breakthrough will help you get started and…
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23 Powerful Midnight Prayers For Financial Breakthrough

23 Powerful Midnight Prayers For Financial Breakthrough

Here are powerful midnight prayers for financial breakthrough you can use to pray. It’s time you wake up and do something about your finances. If your desire for financial breakthrough is strong enough to make you sacrifice the hours of the midnight so you can pray, then you are really ready for a mouthwatering breakthrough. Whatever it is that has taken your sleep is important and God will make it happen for you accordingly. You may be surprise that God is waiting for you to show Him how serious you are about the change you want in your finances, now that you have resolved to dealing with the issue and changing the situation by night, He will come to your aid. These powerful midnight prayers for financial breakthrough may be…
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23 Strong Midnight Prayer For Breakthrough

23 Strong Midnight Prayer For Breakthrough

Here is a list of midnight prayer for breakthrough you can use to pray. Praying is seamless, sweet and rewarding for a believer that’s in intimate fellowship with the Holy Spirit. Yes, more result oriented are prayers based on scriptures and that employ divine strategies for its execution. You may have been praying daily for breakthrough, but its time you try out the time of the night to sort things out with God and of course settle score with Satan. (See Luke 6:12, KJV) Employing this strategy can make all the difference in your prayer life. It can also make all the difference with the results you get. That said, get yourself ready to pray now, to take spiritual responsibility for your breakthrough. Let’s go. READ ALSO: Midnight Prayers For…
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23 Powerful Midnight Prayers For Healing

23 Powerful Midnight Prayers For Healing

Here are midnight prayers for healing that you can use to pray. God wants you well, no doubt. He has already made provision for your complete healing and deliverance in the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ. On the other hand, Satan wants you down with sicknesses and afflictions, that’s his ministry (See John 10:10a, KJV) But how come that in spite of God’s provision, redemption and life in Christ, a number of believers are still sick and down with diseases? So many reasons. But chief among them is ignorant of the believer’s legal liberation from Satan and his works through the finished work of Christ. Another is non appropriation of his legal freedom from Satan (this is our main focus today). Among other things, prayer is one sure…
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23 Strong Midnight Prayers For My Husband

23 Strong Midnight Prayers For My Husband

Today, let’s look at the subject of midnight prayers for my husband. Do you take the time to really travail in prayer for your husband? See, you can condition your husband’s success in life through your prayers. You can alter His attitude towards you and your children, only if you learn to pray for him rather than fight him. No, don’t fight him, pray him into the will of God. You have the power and the grace to do this. God has so graced you as a wife, so much so that you can actually determine how your husband turn out in life, if you know how to use that grace. (See 1 Samuel 25, KJV) Now, prayer is one way to put spiritual pressure on your husband’s adversaries, weaknesses…
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23 Powerful Midnight Prayers For Protection

23 Powerful Midnight Prayers For Protection

Here are midnight prayers for protection you can use to pray tonight. God gave the believer the weapon of prayer not just so he can effectively communicate and commune with God but also that He can through prayer exercise authority and dominion over the works of Satan on earth. Prayer, effective praying is power with God. And it is even more powerful when you are strategic and deliberate about your prayers. One of such strategy is setting yourself to pray earnestly at night. (See Luke 6:12, KJV) This is where midnight prayers for protection comes in. Some things answer fast and better at midnight. Are you ready to pray now and put up the ensign of protection over your life, loved ones, family, ministry, work, property and more? Let us…
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23 Strong Midnight Prayers For Marriage

23 Strong Midnight Prayers For Marriage

Here are midnight prayers for marriage that you can use to pray. Don’t leave your marriage to chance, Satan will ruin it. It may surprise you to know that the destruction and collapse of Christian marriages and homes is top on the list on Satan’s yearly agenda. He hates Christian-godly-biblical marriage, he hates the fact that you are married, he hates it the most because you are a Christian. Why? It is because, the Christian marriage is an expression of trinity in the natural real (the husband, the wife and God) It is more like a church. For where two or three are gathered together in His name, He is there in their midst. (See Matthew 18:20, KJV) That’s marriage in a nutshell. And you think that Satan will be…
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