43 Powerful Bible Verses Against Stagnation

43 Powerful Bible Verses Against Stagnation

Here are bible verses against stagnation that you can use as bullet of the Spirit to rout and end the operation of the spirit of stagnation that has been oppressing you. Everything that God has created has within it the ability for growth. If instead of growth and progress, you are experiencing stagnation, then there’s a problem. Something contrary to God and His nature is interfering with God’s order and principle of growth and progress in your life whether spiritual or physical. Well, as you know, God’s word is God’s ultimate solution to every issue of life, it is also His ultimate power (See Psalm 107:20, NIV). So if you can find God’s word to bring against stagnation, then you can be sure that you will have the victory. You…
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Fasting And Praying For A Job: Best Practice

Fasting And Praying For A Job: Best Practice

Fasting, Prayer
If you are looking for job and are considering going for a fast in that regard, this guide on fasting and praying for a job will be of help to you. God created work for man and man primarily for fellowship with Him and secondarily for work. (See Genesis 2:11-20, KJV). Work is good, God created it. And He did primarily to give man opportunity to express his ability and be creative. Yes, God created work for you so that through it, you will be able to express His creative ability in you. Plus, God created work for man so that He (God) will have a channel through which He can bless man. Your work is one of God’s channel to blessing you. He will bless the work of your…
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31 Prayer Points Against Strange Woman In My Marriage

31 Prayer Points Against Strange Woman In My Marriage

Things are happening, Satan is on rampage destroying marriages through the instrumentality of demonically anointed strange women. If you are faced with this kind of attack on your marriage right now, it’s time you cry out to God to save your marriage praying this list prayer points tagged ‘prayer points against strange woman in my marriage’ with everything about you. You think it is with ‘clear eye’ (ordinary) that your husband of many years suddenly walked away from you and the marriage to go start living with another woman, a total stranger he was never married to? No! He is under a spell. An enemy has done this. (Matthew 13:28a, NKJV) You have got to pray to terminate this evil, break that spell over your husband’s life and mind, free…
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Powerful Prayer For Fast Recovery From Stroke

Powerful Prayer For Fast Recovery From Stroke

If you or a loved one for reasons best known to doctors come down with stroke, this post on prayer for fast recovery from stroke may help you recover. Whether partial or full stroke, prayer and medicine working together can help bring about a cure. First off, you need to understand that sicknesses and diseases were legally borne on the cross for you by Christ in redemption, to the end that you may be free from them, not to bear them again. (See 1 Peter 2:24, KJV). So, because Jesus bore them, now, you have a right, a blood bought right to be free and healed of sicknesses and diseases. You have a right, a legal right to be healed and to live in health perpetually.  Secondly, sickness is an…
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31 Strong And Powerful No More Delay Prayer Points

31 Strong And Powerful No More Delay Prayer Points

If you are tired of seeing and experiencing delay in your life’s endeavors, it’s time you do something about it, praying these no more delay prayer points. Delay is dangerous, it is evil and bad. While should you not get married in time, why are you not in school when all your mates are in school. Why is it that you always come behind in life, in almost all important areas of life, in things that matter most? You gained admission to college and higher institution late, you got a job 10 years after you graduated from school - late, married late, was only able to buy a car at 60, build your house at 72. Always, the story of your life is delay, always coming behind, late, late, late.…
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31 Powerful Prayer Against Business Stagnation

31 Powerful Prayer Against Business Stagnation

If your business is not making any headway, or barely making progress, it’s time you engage the force of prayer using this prayer list tagged ‘prayer against business stagnation.’ Everything that God creates grows. Everything He starts, directly and indirectly (of course) through you and I has the potential to grow. Now, if you have done all you know to do, put in money, employ marketing, promotion and advertisement and yet the business is still stuck, then something else is the problem. Some things that are beyond you, beyond physical senses are resisting the growth of your business. A lot happens in life that beats the ordinary mind. Did you know that no matter what effort some persons make at success with their business, they will never succeed? Why? Because…
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31 Powerful Prayer Against Delay And Stagnation

31 Powerful Prayer Against Delay And Stagnation

Here is a list of prayer points tagged 'prayer against delay and stagnation' you can use to pray. There’s a time for everything under the sun, the bible declares. (See Ecclesiastes 3:1, KJV) That’s a fact. There’s a time for instance to marry and to build your own house. If at 40, a lady is not married, everybody will be asking questions. Why? Because, she’s almost past her flower and marriageable age. There’s a right time to build your house. If you build your house at age 70, people will come and celebrate with you, at least you still were able to build. But truth is, that’s not the right time to build and own a house. Whatever made you not to build your house on-time and or marry in…
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31 Powerful Prayer Points Against Stagnation With Bible Verses

31 Powerful Prayer Points Against Stagnation With Bible Verses

If you are feeling stuck and don’t know what to do and go with life, these prayer points against stagnation with bible verses are for your release. God’s plan and purpose for you is upward and forward, growth and progress. He’s does not take pleasure in seeing you stuck, stagnant and tied down in one place for years with nothing to show for life and living. No! God wishes and wants you well, He wants you grow, make progress, advance and prosper in life. (See 3 John 2, KJV) Satan is in the business of putting people down, God is in the business of lifting people up and moving them forward. To be sure that God is up against stagnation and wants you free from it, He sent Jesus to…
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Fasting And Praying In The Bible (And You Today)

Fasting And Praying In The Bible (And You Today)

God’s word is replete with accounts and incidences of fasting and praying in the bible that you can learn some lessons from. People in bible days fasted for many reasons that you fast for today; they fast for breakthrough, they fast to ask and receive direction from the Lord, they fast in repentance from sin, they fast to avert imminent judgment and danger, they fast to shape history, to secure God’s help and intervention in times of trouble. There’s so much in there that you can learn a great deal from. Now, if you do what people in bible days did, in the same way they did it and do same under the same circumstances, you will have the same results they got. That said, let’s now get into scriptures…
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31 Powerful Scriptures To Pray Against Stagnation

31 Powerful Scriptures To Pray Against Stagnation

Here are scriptures to pray against stagnation that you should use as your major arsenal as you face stagnation head-on in prayer. Stagnation is a demon, a wicked evil spirit –servant of Satan that the devil employ and send around the world to go about afflicting many people. You have got to stand up against it in faith and through prayer. You have got to resist it in faith and ultimately deploy the power of the Holy Ghost against it. That way, you will force it out of your life, situation, and circumstances once and for all time. (See Mark 16:17b, KJV) Seeing that God works by His word, through the agency of the Spirit, therefore, the best weapon you are to deploy on stagnation to crush it, is God’s…
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