A Prayer For Deliverance From Addiction: Pornography, Masturbation, Drug…

A Prayer For Deliverance From Addiction: Pornography, Masturbation, Drug…

If you are struggling with addiction of any kind and are looking for help and freedom, this post tagged: ‘a prayer for deliverance from addiction’ will be of help to you. Believe it, addiction is abnormal and demonic. The moment an act becomes obsessive and oppressive, something you can no longer control, just know that the devil, a demon has moved in, and has taken over. Demons breed addiction and thrive on and with it. It may just be that it started as a play; once in a while you catch yourself looking at pornography. But now, it has gone beyond your control; the moment the suggestion comes in your mind to look at naked men and women, you just can’t hold back but to pull out your cell/mobile phone…
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31 Strong And Deep Spiritual Warfare Prayers For Sleep

31 Strong And Deep Spiritual Warfare Prayers For Sleep

If Satan is eating out your life by stealing your sleep, these deep spiritual warfare prayers for sleep will help you get your sleep and life back. God is a master creator, He knows work is good for man, He created and gave him work. Plus, He knows rest is ideal for man, He created, exemplified rest and gave it to man. Why is this so? God knows that without sleep and adequate rest, you will burn out and even lose your mind. The eye must catch sleep, which is its way of resting. The mind must quiet down and cool off so it can come back strong and active - reinvigorated. God has created rest and sleep as a way for the mind to rest, relax and recover. So,…
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31 Powerful Night Time Spiritual Warfare Prayers

31 Powerful Night Time Spiritual Warfare Prayers

If you feel the need to invest the most of your night time in prevailing prayer, this list of night time spiritual warfare prayers can be of help to you. Truth is, night time have some of the most wonderful spiritual prayer windows (hours) that you can take advantage of if you are serious and really want to do some great job praying and prevailing. No wonder Jesus did a lot of his praying at night, very early in the morning. Volume of angelic activities are on the increase in the night time when you and I are sleeping. Same is true of Satan, his demons and wicked plans. (See Matthew 13:25, KJV) Night time is Satan’s most active hours, his time of planning and execution. That is also the…
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49 Strong And Deep Spiritual Warfare Prayers

49 Strong And Deep Spiritual Warfare Prayers

If what you are dealing with is super serious, stubborn, critical and seem to defy your efforts in prayer, these deep spiritual warfare prayers may be the way out. You see, some battles and issues that some of us are faced with in life are deeper than we think. There may be some underlying issues and stronghold that are way beyond you that make your case somewhat complicated. But thank God, there’s nothing that is complicated with God. Issues like generational curses are deep and require deep probing by the Spirit of God to be able to find the real root of the curse before it can be dealt with. Even some certain kinds of ailment are also deep and generational that unless you take the time with the Spirit…
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31 Strong Spiritual Warfare Prayers For Sleep

31 Strong Spiritual Warfare Prayers For Sleep

Are you struggling with sleep and are wondering what the hell is going on? Then these spiritual warfare prayers for sleep may be what you need. When sleep that is natural by nature suddenly becomes a problem and unnatural then it may be that something has gone wrong. See, one of the symptoms of bipolar is sleeplessness. And you and I know that bipolar is a demon. Whatever your case, sleeplessness can be spiritual, and when it is, you can be sure that the cure too will be spiritual - the name of Jesus is the supreme authority in the realm of the spirit. So, if you will take the time to fight for your life, you will certainly come off and overcome the problem through the power of the…
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31 Strong Prayer Points For Deliverance From Debt

31 Strong Prayer Points For Deliverance From Debt

Being in debt can be traumatizing, disturbing and sometimes dehumanizing. If you find yourself in that condition and don’t know what to do again, these prayer points for deliverance from debt may be your bailout. Oh the burden of indebtedness! May you find your deliverance today, in the name of Jesus Christ! You may have lost hope and even thinking of ending your life right now because of the burden of financial indebtedness you have been entangled in, don’t give up; help is on the way. These prayer points for deliverance from debt will be your first step towards your freedom. When prayed in faith, it will release the power and hand of God into your situation and in no time, somehow, someway, the way out of debt will come…
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37 Special Prayer Points To Start A New Year

37 Special Prayer Points To Start A New Year

Happy New Year! Here are prayer points to start a New Year that you can use to pray. The New Year will deliver to you what you pray into it, that’s why we encourage you to take the time to pray these prayer points as you begin the New Year. You should be aware by now that every year is a time in God’s calendar for your lifting and blessings. See, God sets time and seasons for our lives and He has put and planned specific blessings within those seasons and times. (See Ecclesiastes 3:1, KJV) So, every year, there’s a blessing with your name on it that heaven has reserved for you. It is your responsibility to look out for it and then take delivery and possession of yours…
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31 Strong Midnight Prayers For Fruit Of The Womb

31 Strong Midnight Prayers For Fruit Of The Womb

If you waiting and looking to God for the blessing of the fruit of the womb, these midnight prayers for fruit of the womb will be of help to you. Midnight is very strategic in spiritual warfare, I just to let you know that. By the way, Jesus did a lot of praying at night when He was here on earth in person, you know. Most miscarriages and delay in conception and fruit of the womb that defile medical explanations are nothing but spiritual warfare. But you have to be assured first of all, that the battle you are engaged in is already decided in your favor. You are the winner. What is most important in this fight is your attitude: fighting in faith from the stand point of victory.…
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Why Did Jesus Pray Early In The Morning? (Why You Should)

Why Did Jesus Pray Early In The Morning? (Why You Should)

Our focus today is on the question: ‘Why did Jesus pray early in the morning?’ Every great saint in the Bible had the practice of waking up very early in the morning to pray. See examples of Abraham (Genesis 19:27), Jacob (Genesis 28:18), Moses (Exodus 34:4), Joshua (Joshua 6:12), Gideon (Judges 7:1), Elkanah and family (1 Samuel 1:19), Samuel (1 Samuel 15:12), Job (Job 1:5), David (Psalm 57:8) and many more So why should Jesus be different. God in the Old Testament inspired the Patriarchs and prophets to rise up early in the morning to meet and commune with Him, take territories, do battles and executes His orders. Don’t’ forget that Jesus is God. (See John 1:1) He inspired this practice in the hearts of these saints to begin with…
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31 Powerful Prayers For Unsaved Husband

31 Powerful Prayers For Unsaved Husband

Here are prayers for unsaved husband you can use to pray. One of the greatest favors you can do a husband who is unsaved is to always pray for him. The scripture even states that the believing wife sanctifies the unsaved husband (See 1 Corinthians 7:14, KJV), and vice versa. That tells me something: you have a powerful spiritual influence on your unsaved husband that you have never put to use. Your prayers, your association and marriage to him can do him well, if you learn to use your godly, spiritual influence on him for good. Yes, I know dealing and living with an unsaved husband (a person who does not know eternal life and the love of God) can be a lot, really daunting, but you can still make…
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