33+ Powerful Bible Verses Against Premature Death

33+ Powerful Bible Verses Against Premature Death

Prayer, Promises
Here are bible verses against premature death that you can pray and declare over self and loved ones for deliverance from untimely death. You can stand on these scriptures to resist the devil and death, you can stake your claim upon them for the promise of life and living in the face of imminent death. You can bring these scriptures against the spirit of death and by it thwart Satan’s plan to murder you before your time. Of course, by now you should know that God’s word does not just only give life, and that the bible is not just also only a book of principles to live by, but that it is also the bullet of the Spirit through which you do battles with the kingdom of darkness and…
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31 Powerful Prayer Points Against Arrows Of Death

31 Powerful Prayer Points Against Arrows Of Death

Here are prayer points against arrows of death that you can use to pray. God’s ultimate plan is for you to live out your life to the full in health and in wealth. He promises to satisfy you with long life and show you His salvation. (See Psalm 91:16, KJV) So, long life is God’s plan for you. You are to live until you are satisfied before you go. But you can be sure that Satan, God’s enemy will not want God’s word for long life to find fulfilment in your life. That’s why he is throwing arrows of death at you, just so he can cut your life short. Untimely death, premature death are never God’s ideal. It is Satan ways to propagate His work to steal, kill and…
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31 Powerful Prayer Points Against Premature Death

31 Powerful Prayer Points Against Premature Death

Here are prayer points against premature death that you can use to pray to thwart Satan’s plan to kill you or loved ones before your time. God wants you well and alive. Satan wants to snuff out your life in midstream, even before you realize your life purpose and vision. He sure knows that if he let you live, you will do a damage to his kingdom. See, Satan does not bother himself with people who have no future. No, he busies himself with people who are graced and anointed by God to advance His cause and kingdom on earth. It is for this reason that he goes about seeking to kill and cut short destinies before they are fully formed. But you need not worry. God’s word guarantees that…
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31 Helpful Prayer Points To Overcome The Flesh

31 Helpful Prayer Points To Overcome The Flesh

If you are having problem with the flesh as a believer, these curated prayer points to overcome the flesh will be helpful to you. First, you must know that you will be tempted to sin, you cannot run away from it as long as you are in this world. But you can take responsibility for what you do when you're face to are face with temptation. (See 1 Corinthians 9:27, KJV) Now, it is important you know that God never said anything in the Scripture about praying to overcome the flesh. He only gave instructions on what to do to overcome the flesh, Satan and the world. (See Galatians 5:16, KJV) So why then pray to overcome. First off, prayer brings you an enablement, a grace with which you are…
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31 Powerful Prayer Points For Preservation With Scriptures

31 Powerful Prayer Points For Preservation With Scriptures

Here are prayer points for preservation with scriptures that you can use to pray. First off, it is important you know that what God gives, He preserves. (See 1 Thessalonians 5:24, KJV) Plus, He also expects you to take responsibility for the keeping too. (See 2 Timothy 1:14, KJV) Now, the scripture says that Satan’s mission is to steal, kill and destroy. But Jesus’ mission is to give you life in abundance, life to the full, life at maximum, life at its best. (See John 10:10, NIV) Satan’s ultimate goal is clear, he is at work to DESTROY lives, homes, marriages, health, families, finances, estates, business and even ministries and more. And if he doesn’t succeed with killing and destroying, he settles for stealing. To that end he has succeeded…
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31 Powerful Prayer Against Enemies At Work

31 Powerful Prayer Against Enemies At Work

Here is list of prayer points tagged prayer against enemies at work that you can use to pray. The enemy goes about as a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour. (See 1 Peter 5:8, KJV) He sets up strongholds everywhere in the world where people live, work and play. Organized, he established strongholds everywhere and the workplace is not left behind. What many believers don’t know is that the devil is never casual. He is serious, and goes about his business dutifully and tenaciously. While you are sleeping and taking light your work and workplace, the devil is busy setting up strongholds in the workplace quietly but surely.  Some of these strongholds are humans, his agents, while others are altars raised in those workplace by these servants of Satan.…
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31 Powerful Prayer Against Workplace Enemies

31 Powerful Prayer Against Workplace Enemies

Here is a curated list of prayer guide tagged prayer against workplace enemies that you can use to pray. There are workplace enemies, you have got to know that. The enemy, Satan, is busy carrying out his wicked plans all around, at workplace, in homes, religious houses and worship centers, amusement centers, play grounds, educational centers - schools and colleges, everywhere people live, work and play. Now, your first and preemptive defense against him is to know that he is real and at work where you live, work and play. Now, such knowledge is not supposed to scare you, but to aid you, give you the advantage over him and put you in a vantage position to deal with him. Ignorance is the devil’s greatest strength, but when light and…
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31 Strong Prayer For Protection Against Enemies At Work

31 Strong Prayer For Protection Against Enemies At Work

God is committed to protecting you at work against the enemy, this prayer guide tagged prayer for protection against enemies at work is to help you activate God’s protection over self and work. You must not live your life to chance, enemies are around you, even the workplace have become toxic, a breeding place for all manner of evil and unrighteousness. But fear not, for God is committed to keeping you at work as well as in any other place. All you need do is to learn to release your faith in the power of God through prayer. God’s power for protection from evil is present all the time, but through faith and prayer, you are able to release it into your life and peculiar circumstances. So, are you ready…
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31 Strong Prayer Points Against Confusion

31 Strong Prayer Points Against Confusion

Here are prayer points against confusion that you can use to pray. There’s the spirit of confusion, Satan uses it to afflict a lot of people, even Christians. It takes a hold of the mind, fills it with negativity, uncertainty and hopelessness. When a person is afflicted with it, he or she just will not know what to do with life. He is not able to make decisions on life issues, what to do, where to go, live, work, stay, just so confused that he doesn’t know the way to life and with life. (See Psalm 107: 4-5, KJV) Confusion affects one’s ability to choose and choose rightly. It affects your will power so you don’t know what to do with life. Now, if that has been the condition of…
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31 Powerful Prayers For Confusion And Uncertainty

31 Powerful Prayers For Confusion And Uncertainty

Here are prayers for confusion and uncertainty that you can use to pray. You don’t have to be confused about life, you don’t have to be uncertain and unsure of tomorrow, what life will bring and what you will become. The cure for uncertainty and confusion is the word of God you know, it is life in Christ Jesus. Because Jesus lives, you can face tomorrow, you can live also. (See John 14:19c, KJV) So, there’s no reason and place for confusion, hopelessness and uncertainty. He is the way, the truth and the life, so when you have Jesus and you know it, you can be sure that the end of hopelessness, confusion and uncertainty has come. No, you cannot suffer confusion and uncertainty with Christ in you and when…
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