31 Powerful Prayer Points For Elders With Scriptures

31 Powerful Prayer Points For Elders With Scriptures

Here are prayer points for elders with scriptures that you can use to pray and cover your church elders in prayer. The strength and influence of your church and ministry to a large degree depends on the leadership of your church. That is, if your leaders are strong, knowledgeable and sound in scriptures with great understanding, the members of the church will be positively influenced. Plus, it will even make the work easy for you. If they are stable and well established in love and the truth of the gospel, the members will be readily and easily influenced with godly values too. If your church elders are strong in faith and fervent in spirit, the church will certainly be a congregation of people who are strong in faith, fervent in…
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31 Great Prayer Points For Church Service With Scriptures

31 Great Prayer Points For Church Service With Scriptures

Here are prayer points for church service with Scriptures that you can use to pray for every, and any of your church service or meeting. It is important to cover a service in prayer from start to finish before the service begins and even at the start of the service too. That way, you are able to bring the service under the direct control and influence of the Holy Spirit. Plus, you are able to make way for the free move of the Holy Spirit both on the people with visible manifestation of His power and also move in their hearts for divine transformation. What you have not conditioned in prayer as far a service is concerned you will not see during the service in practice and manifestation. That tells…
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31 Great Prayer Points For Single Ladies With Scriptures

31 Great Prayer Points For Single Ladies With Scriptures

Here are prayer points for single ladies with scriptures that you can use to pray. You don’t want to stay single all your life, whether being a lady or a minster. It is not God’s best for you to stay single. God’s best is that you marry, you get joined together with another man in holy matrimony. Why is this so? It is because God’s dream for humanity is perpetrated through the family…and marriage is your introduction to family life and living. But that does not mean that as a single lady, you cannot maximize your life. You can live to the fullest, only that you will never know the joy of motherhood – being a co-creator with God. There’s no joy that compares with the joy of being a…
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31 Powerful Prayer Points For Church Members With Scriptures

31 Powerful Prayer Points For Church Members With Scriptures

Here are prayer points for church members with scriptures that you can use to pray. By the way, the church is not the building or place where you meet to worship (worship center), the church is the individual members that make up the congregation. If those individuals are not there, then you have no church. So, it matters what you do with and for each member of your church. Now, as a pastor or leader, you have a call by God to raise for Him a church of His passion, a congregation of people who are holy, blameless and without spot or wrinkle. (See Ephesians 5:24-32, KJV) You are called to grow and mature these individual believers until they become like Christ in every way – character, thoughts, attitudes, talk,…
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31 Strong Prayer Points For Church Leaders With Bible Verses

31 Strong Prayer Points For Church Leaders With Bible Verses

Here are prayer points for church leaders with bible verses that you can use to pray. The growth and development of your church is among many other things conditioned on the caliber of leaders you have raised. Certainly, as your ministry and church begins to grow, you will find out that you can no longer attend to the needs of everybody as one person. That’s when you will need leaders, good, seasoned and Holy Ghost filled leaders to help you in driving the ministry and doing the work. Your leaders are the ones that best understand the vision of the ministry and will best communicate it. They are also the very ones that Satan will use to try to destroy the church if they are not completely given to the…
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31 Powerful Prayer Points For Next Level With Scriptures

31 Powerful Prayer Points For Next Level With Scriptures

Here are prayer points for next level with scriptures that you can use to pray. The path of the righteous is an upward and forward one, God designs it that way. (See Proverbs 4:18, KJV) You are designed by God to move from one level of glory to another, from one level of success to another. So, no matter what level of life you are at, there’s always a new and next level, a better and an improved level that God wants you to enter into. But as with many of God’s promises you need prayer, faith and obedience to move to your next level. You may even have to take some time out to fast and condition the process and your journey into the next level. Yes, some times,…
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31 Prayer Points For Good Health With Bible Verses

31 Prayer Points For Good Health With Bible Verses

Here are prayer points for good health with bible verses that you can use to pray. God wants you well and be in health always even as your soul prospers. (See 3 John 2, NIV) Good health is your portion - your right and heritage. His design is that you live out the days of your life in sound health and in wealth – strong and full of the divine life from head to toe from start to finish. Now, to a lot of people, long good health is unattainable. ‘Somehow, one can and should be sick every now and then,’ they say. No. Such statements and beliefs are not consistent with the truth of redemption. Jesus, assumed in His body on the cross the cause and curse of sicknesses…
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31 Great Prayer Points On Overcoming Life Challenges

31 Great Prayer Points On Overcoming Life Challenges

Here are prayer points on overcoming life challenges that you can use to pray. Challenges of life come to us all, but how you respond to them will determine their effects on you – positive or negative. Sure enough, Jesus did not promise the believer a life that is free of challenges. Rather, He promises victory now and at the end, ultimate triumph. (See John 16:33b, KJV) So what will a prayer response to the challenges of life look like? That’s what this article on prayer points on overcoming life challenges seeks to portray. Lay bare before you are prayer points that best describe faith’s attitude when you are face to face with challenges of life. These are scriptural based prayers that you should pray when in trouble. You need…
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31 Powerful Prayer Points Against Enemies Of Progress

31 Powerful Prayer Points Against Enemies Of Progress

Here are prayer points against enemies of progress that you can use to pray. See, Satan is evil in and out. He is an impostor, and an adversary (one who resists progress, everything good and everything God and Christ). Motivated and ruled by hate, anger and envy, he will stop at anything but killing, stealing and destroying. He opposes and resists believers through his demons and human agents who practically put a stumbling block on your road and path to progress. Be that as it may, whoever and whatever the devil is doing to oppose you can be overthrew through the power of the Holy Spirit who dwells in you. Yes, you can bring the power of God against any opposition of the devil on all fronts – workplace, family,…
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31 Powerful Prayer Points Against Death With Scriptures

31 Powerful Prayer Points Against Death With Scriptures

Here are prayer points against death with scriptures that you can use to pray. Death is an enemy of man, it is a spirit that has the power to take life from the earth. It is a weapon in the hand of God and also in the hand of Satan who uses the spirit of death to steal lives and destinies. To God, death has an expected time, a time and a certain age when it is due to come. And every person on earth except those who will be alive when Jesus returns in glory at His second coming will taste death. But they will see death only when they have lived out their lives in full, when they are satisfied with life. (See Psalm 90:10 and Psalm 91:16)…
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