13 Reasons Why You Should Give It All To God

13 Reasons Why You Should Give It All To God

Today, we are going to look at a subject, titled: Give It All To God. To drive it home, we are going to be looking at the subject in a triangle – 3 sides: One, what does the Scripture say about giving it all to God? Two, what are those things the Scripture says to give all to God? And three, why you should give it all to God. As you already know, God demands some things from you that represents your service to Him. On the other hand, the Scripture points out some things that you are to consciously give to the Lord, if you want to have a happy life, and if you want to enjoy and to walk in the blessings of God. So let’s dive in…
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11 Bible Reasons Why You Should Let God Take Control

11 Bible Reasons Why You Should Let God Take Control

Let’s take a look at some scriptural reasons why you should let God take control of your life and your all, today. In a world where everything is about self; self-made millionaires, self-made business men and women and all the many other self-acclaimed made people and things, do you still think anything should be left to God! After all, you can do it yourself, have it made your way, so why should you let God take control! ‘An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth;’ so why should you let God take control when you know you can get vengeance for yourself, deal with the situation yourself and your way. Plus, God gave you a mind, your hands and all other physical abilities so you can get…
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31 Scriptural Reasons To Let Go And Trust God

31 Scriptural Reasons To Let Go And Trust God

Are you finding it very difficult to let go and trust God with your life and all? This post is for you. Let's face it; it may be that all you need do to free and release yourself from all that's holding you down is to just simply let go and trust God? You know it and you have even been told by concerned friends and loved ones to let go and trust God but you are wondering why on earth should you let go and trust God after all the hurt, mishaps, misunderstanding and defamation and all evil you have suffered? Hm!!! It is not always easy to let go and trust God if you have had to suffered a great deal falsely, or if you been misunderstood and…
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23 Reassuring ‘Give It To God’ Scriptures (Bible Verses)

23 Reassuring ‘Give It To God’ Scriptures (Bible Verses)

Today, we are going to be looking at some give it to God scriptures, bible verses that encourage you to give it to God. So many a time, we worry ourselves over things that we do not have control over. You see people, and even Christians coming down with heart attacks and other health related issues all because of anxiety. Now, going by what is happening in our age today: pandemic, loss of jobs, incurable diseases, foreclosures, insecurity, gruesome killing and murder, natural disaster, unstable economies and political upheaval and more, you certainly have more than enough reasons to worry. But God’s word instructs us to not worry. So whose report will you believe? God’s or the situation; economic and political situations around us! God’s, of course! Plus, why would…
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19 Effectual Prayer Points For A Nation In Crisis

19 Effectual Prayer Points For A Nation In Crisis

Surfing the net for prayer points for a nation in crisis? We have your back. Every now and then, nations are plunged into crisis; wars, earthquake, tornadoes and hurricanes, famine, pandemic, terrorist attacks and more. Most of these nations do not even know how to come out of these crisis….fortunately, you know, your God knows. That’s where prayer comes in. You can pray for the healing and restoration of the destinies of these nations. God is depending on you to pray for the restoration of these nations, in their peace shall be your peace and prosperity “I looked for someone among them who would build up the wall and stand before me in the gap on behalf of the land so I would not have to destroy it, but I…
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21 Powerful Prayer Points For Breaking Stubborn Curses

21 Powerful Prayer Points For Breaking Stubborn Curses

Here’s a list of prayer points for breaking stubborn curses you can use to pray. Curses are real, yet more real is the power of God’s word and prayer to break them and to end their effect in your life. A look through the Holy Scripture from Genesis to Revelation shows glimpses here and there of curses, how they are incurred and how one can also be free from them. A curse is like a dark shadow from the past that’s covering your life and destiny from the receiving the sunshine from heaven. When a person is under a curse, endless struggles, frustrations and incessant disappointments will keep trailing that person. But point is, no matter, the curse you are battling with, Jesus died on the cross to legally liberate…
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17 Special Prayer Points For A Worship Team To Pray

17 Special Prayer Points For A Worship Team To Pray

Here’s a list of prayer points for a worship team to pray all the time and most importantly to pray as you prepare for every meeting. Plus, these prayer points can be prayed all the time for worship leaders and worship team by pastors, prayer and intercessory units and by individual believers who care about worship in their church and ministry.  You would agree that the way a service will go to a great extent depends on worship. The spirit with which a service is started will determine how glorious the meeting will eventually turn out. And since worship sets the pace for the meeting, precedes every other aspect of a church service (except opening prayer), then it is important that those who lead worship be held up in prayer.…
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19 Prayers For New Believers (With Bible Verses)

19 Prayers For New Believers (With Bible Verses)

Here are prayers for new believers that you can use to pray and cover them in prayer. The spiritual, mental and physical wellbeing of a new believer is very important and critical at that. The parable of the sower depicts what happens to new believers from the time they are born again to the time they become fruit bearing branch of the body. (Luke 8:4-15) Stay with me and let me show you something you may never have seen in that parable. Do read this post to the end to grasp everything on prayers for new believers. From that parable, we see that 25 percent of new believers are hijacked by Satan the very moment the seed of the word of God is planted in their heart. Another 25 percent…
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The Lord’s Prayer Explained: Its Power And Purpose

The Lord’s Prayer Explained: Its Power And Purpose

If you seek to understand the Lord’s Prayer, then here’s the Lord’s Prayer explained. A lot has been said and written about the Lord’s Prayer but this post on the Lord’s Prayer explained takes it a little farther. The Lord’s Prayer is a prayer model that Jesus Christ Himself presented as an answer to an inquiry by one of His disciples: ‘Lord, teach us to pray as John also taught his disciples.’ (Luke 11:1) Though, there are 2 accounts in the Bible on the Lord’s Prayer (Matthew and Luke), we are going to especially focus on Matthew's account in this post. So, let’s see the intent of Christ when He presented this model prayer to the disciples and by extension the believer - you and me. “After this manner therefore…
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41 Bible Verses For Overcoming Anxiety AT All Time

41 Bible Verses For Overcoming Anxiety AT All Time

If you are surfing the net for bible verses for overcoming anxiety, we have your back.    You don’t have to be dominated by fear. God has not given you the spirit of fear. So why fear? (2 Timothy 1:7) But we know that fear is of the devil, he instills it in you so he can gain access into your heart through fear, establish a stronghold in your mind and then begin to control your life through it. But you don’t have to give in to fear and to Satan. You can actually stop Satan from dominating your mind with fear. The Scripture says for you to resist the devil and he will flee from you. (James 4:7) These bible verses for overcoming anxiety will help you resist fear…
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