23 Powerful Prayer Points To Command The Morning

23 Powerful Prayer Points To Command The Morning

Here are prayer points to command the morning you can use to pray. Did you know you can actually command the morning and cause the day to bring forth its bounties and harvest for you? That was how Jesus lived. Hey, don’t live your day to chance; don’t you ever say that what will be, will be! That’s not true! What will be, will not be unless you make it happen! In short, if you don’t do something, the bad will be the only thing that will happen. That’s why you must wake up and take charge of your day before it dawns. Did you ever wonder why some religious group wakes up early every day in the morning to pray? They do that to command their day. That’s because…
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23 Beautiful Thanksgiving Prayer Points With Scriptures

23 Beautiful Thanksgiving Prayer Points With Scriptures

Here are thanksgiving prayer points with scriptures that you can use to pray. Thanksgiving is at the very center of the Christian faith. The Christian, the Spirit filled believer cannot help but thank God for His goodness and for His wonderful works of salvation, redemption, deliverance, provision and love.  In short, the scripture admonishes the believer to be thankful in all things, at all times in whatever situation. (See Philippians 4:6, NIV) Why is that so? Because thanksgiving not only delivers the blessings, it also preserves it. Knowing full well the blessedness of thanksgiving and the command in God’s word to always be thankful, we have therefore put together these thanksgiving prayer points with scriptures to help get you up and running. Through these prayer points you will be able…
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17 Things To Avoid When Fasting And Praying: A Quick Guide

17 Things To Avoid When Fasting And Praying: A Quick Guide

Faith, Fasting
Here are some things to avoid when fasting and praying so your prayer can be effective, and your fast will produce the desired result. And at the end, you would have made the most of the time. Some of these things are spiritual and are to be taken serious, while others are physical, natural and simple ordinary things that common sense demands you stay away from when fasting and praying. From the stand point of a Christian, you should definitely stay away from every known sin when you are fasting and praying and when you are not of course. You have a call to live holy as God is, whether you are fasting or not. You cannot keep a practice of sinning and expect God to come through for you…
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How To Fast And Pray For A Breakthrough: A Quick Guide

How To Fast And Pray For A Breakthrough: A Quick Guide

Faith, Fasting
Today, we are going to be discussing this all important subject, titled: how to fast and pray for a breakthrough.. As a Christian, you are unstoppable, that’s a fact. Yet, sometimes, it looks like something, a wall, a barrier is holding you back, stopping you from taking that which rightfully belongs to you in Christ, stopping you from stepping over and walking into your promised land. In that case, you need to pray and then fast to put spiritual pressure on that wall of barrier until you break through it to the other side of your blessing and greatness. Better still, you should completely pull down the wall. To have the ultimate victory and prosperity, you do not need to make a hole in the barrier to go through it…
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17 Earnest Prayer Points For Peace

17 Earnest Prayer Points For Peace

Here are prayer points for peace you can use to pray. Peace is a gift from God, one of the rarest gifts in the world today. Peace of mind, peace in a nation, peace in a family, peace in a land, all boils down to one thing, Jesus. Where there’s no Christ, there’s no peace; for He is the Prince of peace. (See Isaiah 9:6, KJV) No religion can give you peace, no government or system can give lasting peace, only the Prince of peace does. Now, to activate peace and have it working in your life, environment and world permanently, you have got to learn to pray. That’s why we have put these prayer points for peace together to help you get started. Now, let’s get to it. READ…
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17 Biblical Prayer Points For Grace (With Bible Verses)

17 Biblical Prayer Points For Grace (With Bible Verses)

Here are prayer points for grace you can use to pray. Grace is not something you work or labor for, it is a gift freely given to you by God. It is not even something to pray for scriptural speaking, it is something you walk in but first have to be discovered and activated. That’s where prayer points for grace come in.  Grace is commonly defined as unmerited favor, but is more than that. Grace is the ability of God impacted to your spirit at the new birth which enables you to function with ease in the area of your calling and assignment in the kingdom. It is the anointing of ease. It is the end of struggle in all area of kingdom life. When grace is at work in…
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17 Special Prayer Points For Favor

17 Special Prayer Points For Favor

Here are prayer points for favor you can use to pray. Favor is divine preference, it is when you are preferred, promoted and considered above others. In Christ, God has graciously favored you, preferring you above all else even above angels and all heavenly beings. That is also true on earth; God’s favor still puts some persons above others, giving them the advantage. Yes, in your work, office, school, business, you need the favor of God to give you preference above your colleagues, mates, associates and competitors. You need the hand of God, mercy and favor to distinguish you and give you the advantage. Yes God’s favor gives you the advantage. That’s why you must not joke with it. Now, to properly position yourself to continually enjoy the favor of…
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How To Fast And Pray For 3 Days: A Quick Guide

How To Fast And Pray For 3 Days: A Quick Guide

Blog, Faith, Fasting
Whatever may be the need, if you have decided to fast for 3 days, then this guide on how to fast and pray for 3 days can be of help to you! A lot happens when you combine prayer with fasting. In short, the Lord Himself declares that there are ‘these kinds’ that will not go except through prayer and fasting. (See Matthew 17:21, KJV) And that’s the truth. But to be sure you fast and fast well, you need knowledge. To be sure you fast and get results; you need some scriptural sense and also common sense. Thankfully, this guide on how to fast for 3 days will furnish you with both the scriptural sense and the common sense approach to fasting. READ ALSO: How To Fast And Pray…
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How To Pray When Under Spiritual Attack: A Quick Guide

How To Pray When Under Spiritual Attack: A Quick Guide

If you are having the feeling or notion that you are under spiritual attack right now, this guide on how to pray when under spiritual attack can be of great help to you. If you think the devil will leave you alone because you are a Christian, or because you speak in tongues and are loaded with the word, then you are mistaken. As long as you’re in this world, the devil will always come at you.  He will sometimes mount the best of his spiritual arsenals focusing primarily on you. That’s when you start having this sense of being under heavy spiritual attack. What that means is that Satan is actually concentrating a good number of his time on you; he has just increased his attacked on you sending…
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How Do You Pray Against The Spirit Of Confusion!

How Do You Pray Against The Spirit Of Confusion!

If you are asking, ‘how do you pray against the spirit of confusion,’ then this post is for you. Confusion can be traumatizing; this is because there are usually bad, evil spirits behind it. Confusion in a person’s mind, church, meeting, place, marriage, doesn’t just happen; they are planned and executed by demons of darkness. Yes, there are such things as demons of confusion; they work for the devil to bring confusion and disorder in a person’s mind, place or home, just so that God’s counsel may not prosper in that person, place or home.  Is it any wonder that the Scripture declares: "For where envying and strife is, there is confusion and every evil work." (James 3:16, KJV)    Satan knows that the moment he is able to introduce disorder…
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