Fasting and Praying For Marriage Restoration: A Quick Guide

Fasting and Praying For Marriage Restoration: A Quick Guide

Fasting, Prayer
It is possible to have your marriage back no matter how bad things have become, this guide on fasting and praying for marriage restoration will show you how. Many marriages are on the verge of collapse, a lot have already. Whether yours has completely disintegrated and have even resulted in separation, God can still restore it. If your spouse is cheating on you or has left you for another woman or man, you can still have him or her back. As long as you are legally married and God has been the center of your marriage, then you can have back what the devil has stolen from you. You can have the heart, love, support, loyalty and respect of your spouse back. If there’s a man on earth to pray,…
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Fasting And Praying For A Baby: A Scriptural Guide

Fasting And Praying For A Baby: A Scriptural Guide

Fasting, Prayer
If after all the prayers said over you by men and women of God for a baby seem not to be working, think it’s time you do it yourself, go the extra mile, fasting and praying for a baby all by yourself. Sometimes, you need to give something for some things to break. Yes, you do not necessarily have to add fasting to your prayer before God comes through for you, but you may need to when what you are asking for is not forth coming as it were. At that point, you are not just praying asking of God, no. You are dealing with some other forces that are resisting your breakthrough.  It doesn’t cost God anything to hear and answer your prayer, Jesus makes that possible big time.…
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31 Strong Warfare Prayer Points For Breakthrough

31 Strong Warfare Prayer Points For Breakthrough

Here are warfare prayer points for breakthrough you can use to pray. Did you realize that breakthrough is a verb? Yes, it takes power to induce a breakthrough. No matter what area of life you are looking to God for breakthrough, you will need the power of God to make it happen. The power of the Holy Spirit is what brings breakthrough. The power that raised Jesus from the dead, is the power for breakthrough. Did you know that the resurrection of Jesus Christ is the greatest breakthrough in the world? The Holy Spirit raised Jesus from the dead against all oppositions, broke Him through the ranks of demons and death and back to life. That’s breakthrough. That’s what you need. Ready to pray and deploy the power of the…
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31 Strong Warfare Prayer Points For My Marriage

31 Strong Warfare Prayer Points For My Marriage

If your marriage is strained and you don’t seem to know what to do again, these warfare prayer points for my marriage will be of help. Believe me, marriage is tough. The odds, mastered and orchestrated by Satan are against it big time. Satan is seriously against it and will keep kicking up the storms against it. Destroy the marriage institution, destroy the human family, Satan knows this and he is actively working at it. The fall-out of broken homes, children with no proper upbringing and values, adults that walk all their lives harboring hate, resentment and bitterness in their minds…all because daddy and mummy separated when they, the children were young and needed them most. A lot that happens in our society and community today happens because the foundation…
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31 Strong Warfare Prayer Points For Healing

31 Strong Warfare Prayer Points For Healing

Here are warfare prayer points for healing you can use to pray. See, sicknesses and diseases are a violation on your body which is God’s house. You cannot fold your hands and allow termites to infiltrate and destroy a physical building if you live there. You will do all you can, purchase chemicals and get spraying machines to get rid of the termites. If you fold your hands and watch them, they will bring down the whole building one place at a time until the whole building is completely destroyed. That’s what sicknesses and diseases do if you do not take the approach of force, action and resilience in dealing with them. You should know that 90 percent (if not more) of sicknesses are caused by demons, malevolent, stubborn, wicked…
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31 Strong Warfare Prayer Points For Restoration

31 Strong Warfare Prayer Points For Restoration

Here’s a list of warfare prayer points for restoration you can use to pray. You think you are done for it, that all hope is lost, nothing can be done about your case anymore. No, you are wrong, help is still available in God. He’s able, has the power and ability to restore you completely, all round. God will restore your health, He will restore your wealth, He will restore your time, He will restore your marriage, mind, relationships, He will restore your ministry, vision, prayer life, and spiritual gifts - sight and hearing, yes, He will restore your family, children, your estates, interest and fortunes. He will restore your finances. He is El-shaddai, the God who is all powerful. Apart from the fact that He’s able to restore you,…
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31 Powerful Prayers Against Marital Delay

31 Powerful Prayers Against Marital Delay

If you are experiencing delay in getting married, these prayers against marital delay may be of help. Well, a lot many people marry late in life for reasons that are beyond them. But all things being equal, you are not supposed to marry late. If you keep an open mind, are led by the Spirit of God and are prompt to obeying God, then you will not marry late. Among many other things, just be sure that you be yourself, you make yourself ready and available for marriage. Then if having done all, and you still have no one coming for you in marriage, then you’ll have to pray. Some things can be avoided, you know; nobody wants to marry late. Yet some do and may end up not marrying…
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31 Powerful Prayer Points On Higher Ground

31 Powerful Prayer Points On Higher Ground

Here are prayer points on higher ground that you can use to pray. God progressively reveals Himself and also progressively grows believers from what may seem to be a low level spiritual ground to a higher one, and to a more higher and higher and higher ground. There's always a higher ground in and with God. Your call is an upward and forward one, a progressive one. (See Proverbs 4:18, KJV) Your place is to come to the fullness of the blessing of Christ.   Where you are now is not good enough, you need to move up to higher ground. And this is made possible through the release of the Spirit of grace in the place of prayer. When you pray, the Lord will lift you. When you pray, the…
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31 Prayer Points For My Husband Financial Breakthrough

31 Prayer Points For My Husband Financial Breakthrough

If your husband is having it hard with finances, this list of prayer points tagged: prayer points for my husband financial breakthrough may be of help. See, your husband’s breakthrough in all areas of life is to a great extent dependent on you. That’s a fact. He will succeed if you want him succeed. He will fail or struggle if you are not standing and holding with him as you should. Woman, you have power to attract success and riches into the life and destiny of your husband. The Bible calls that power, FAVOR. (See Proverbs 18:22, KJV) You do him only good and bring him favor all your life. (See Proverbs 31:12, NIV). One of the greatest good you can do him is prayer, pray for him, pray him…
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31 Strong Prayer Points For Love And Unity

31 Strong Prayer Points For Love And Unity

Here are prayer points for love and unity you can use to pray. A lot can be done, achieved when Christians are standing together in faith, unity and love. God knows this and wants it. God was even challenged one time with the power of unity and love that He had to do something to stop the wrong and ambitious use of it. (See Genesis 11:1-8, KJV) Satan knows about this too well, that’s why he will fight tooth and nail to make sure you are not standing in love and unity with people around you. He will throw tantrums at you or on anything and place where he finds love and unity. The reason is because, love and unity is the greatest strength of the believer; they are God’s…
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