31 Great Prayer Points For Church Service With Scriptures

Here are prayer points for church service with Scriptures that you can use to pray for every, and any of your church service or meeting.

It is important to cover a service in prayer from start to finish before the service begins and even at the start of the service too.

That way, you are able to bring the service under the direct control and influence of the Holy Spirit.

Plus, you are able to make way for the free move of the Holy Spirit both on the people with visible manifestation of His power and also move in their hearts for divine transformation.

What you have not conditioned in prayer as far a service is concerned you will not see during the service in practice and manifestation.

That tells you something: prayer is the lifeblood of every of your service.

Invest intensive and fervent prayer into a service and you will see God’s power and grace in an intense and increased measure.

The investment you made in prayer into the service will determine the fruit and harvest you will gather in the service.

That said, let us jump in to see a curated prayer points for church service with scriptures as inspired by the Holy Spirit.


Let’s go!

READ ALSO: Opening Prayer Points For Church Service

Prayer Points For Church Service With Scriptures

The following are prayer points for church service with scriptures that you can use to pray to condition your services for the move of the Holy Spirit in power and in love:

1. Father, thank you for your word that declares that where two or three are gathered in your name, you are there in their midst, thank you for your divine presence and glory that is upon our service, in Jesus’ name.

“For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.” (Matthew 18:20, KJV)

2. Father, gather us together for a true and deep fellowship with Jesus Christ; I declare that everyone ordained for this meeting will come and will be fed the life of God, in Jesus’ name.

3. Father, breathe upon this service, your love, and your life in all your fullness, in Jesus’ name.

4. Lord, have your say so with every one of your people who will gather to worship you today. Yes Lord, have your way with us in all areas of life, in Jesus’ name.

5. Oh Spirit of the living God, fill every heart afresh with your love, immense us in your atmosphere of love and power, in Jesus’ name.

6. Father, let everyone who comes seeking you today for help, find in you true help – real and life-changing help, in Jesus’ name.

7. Lord, let no one who comes seeking you today go back the same way they came, may they never be disappointed, in the name of Jesus Christ.

“Enter into his gates with thanksgiving, and into his courts with praise: be thankful unto him, and bless his name.” (Psalm 100:4, KJV)

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8. Grant us Lord, life transforming, life changing encounters through your word and your Spirit Lord, in Jesus’ name.

9. May this service be filled with your glory, may every eye see your light and may every ear hear your voice of truth and power, in Jesus’ name.

10. May your Spirit be poured upon us from on high, and may you fill us inside and outside with life and glory than we have ever known and experienced in life before now, in Jesus’ name.

11. Father of life, as we gather together under your feet to learn of Christ and to fellowship with you, feed us with divine manner, and feed us the life of the Son of God Himself, through the word, in Jesus’ name.

12. Holy and righteous Father, open our minds that we may understand scriptures, open our minds that we may see the living Lord in the Holy Scriptures, in Jesus’ name.

13. Anoint our services Lord, anoint every service with life, love and power so everyone who comes will have a story of your love to tell for the rest of their lives, in Jesus’ name.

“How is it then, brethren? when ye come together, every one of you hath a psalm, hath a doctrine, hath a tongue, hath a revelation, hath an interpretation. Let all things be done unto edifying.” (1 Corinthians 14:26, KJV)

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14. Father, fill our meetings with your ‘Shekinah’ presence, your very presence, your power and glory, in Jesus’ name.

15. Oh Lord, anoint your servants and ministers who lead our meetings, may every part of the service they lead be characterized with divine presence and power, in Jesus’ name.

16. Fill your servants Lord with life, let every word that comes from their mouth be Spirit-filled, Spirit-inspired and Spirit-empowered, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.

17. Let every heart melt before your holiness Lord, let every disease be healed at the instance of your word and let every demon flee at the instance of the name of Jesus Christ, in Jesus’ name.

18. Oh Lord, let your holy word and the name of the Lord Jesus Christ be glorified and exalted in all our meetings, in Jesus’ name.

19. Yes Lord, let your word have free course among your people, let all hearts receive it, let all minds understand it and let all doubts be dissolve at its entrance, in Jesus’ name.

20. I declare that Jesus is Lord over all our services. Yes, He is Lord over all we say and do, He is Lord over the lives, hearts and spirits present in the meetings, in the name of Jesus.

21. I pray Lord that you send myriads of holy angels to invade our meetings, to bring answers to prayers, to help and minister for the needs of your people, in Jesus’ name.

“Are they not all ministering spirits, sent forth to minister for them who shall be heirs of salvation?” (Hebrews 1:14, KJV)

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22. Lord, let every prayer that is offered by your people ascend into your throne room and may they ever be attended to speedily and always, in Jesus’ name.

23. Yes Lord, may our services be blessed continually with harvest of answered prayers, mighty manifestations of God, in Jesus’ name.

24. Lord, in your name, we forbid the devil from destroying our sanctity with sin and acts of unrighteousness, in Jesus’ name.

25. I pray the influence and subtlety of Satan through sin and ignorance will not have a hold and a place in and among the congregants and worshippers, in Jesus’ name.

26. Yes Lord, sin will not have dominion in our churches, Satan will not prevail over your people in any form, shape and style, in Jesus’ name.

27. Lord, let every unrighteousness and every heart taken captive by Satan through sin and unrighteousness be freed from such holds at the instance of your word and power, in Jesus’ name.

28. Shine your light on every heart that is darkened and blinded by Satan, so they may see the salvation of the Lord and come to the true light, and may this be a reoccurring decimal in every of our meeting, Lord, in Jesus’ name.

29. Let every unsaved soul that comes to our service be saved, let every sick person be healed and let every captive be delivered through the power of the Holy Spirit, in Jesus’ name.

30. Lord, oh that every of our church service be a time of revival and refreshing from your presence, in Jesus’ name.

31. Father, let the heaven of blessing, the rain of your Spirit be opened and stay opened over every of our church service always, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.

“The Lord shall open unto thee his good treasure, the heaven to give the rain unto thy land in his season, and to bless all the work of thine hand: and thou shalt lend unto many nations, and thou shalt not borrow.” (Deuteronomy 28:12, KJV)


Now, go ahead and thank God for answer to prayers, in Jesus’ name.

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On and on and on and on, there’s so much you can say and pray on for your church service to have the desired impact in people’s lives, but these prayer points for church service with scripture is put together to help you get started and headed the right direction.

Give yourself to praying these prayer points, as a leader, lead your team to praying them and make the entire congregation to pray them often.

That way, you will see the glory of God in your church services.

Now, the most assured way to pray for your church services and to get results is by leading your people (worshippers or prayer team) to pray corporately in the spirit and in tongues.

That way, you are able to pray the will of God for every of your church service. (See Romans 8:26-27, NIV)

That way also, you will be able to build up capacity and power in effective praying that produce tremendous results with powerful effects. (See James 5:16, GNT)

One will chase a thousand, but two will put ten thousand to flight, the scripture says. (See Leviticus 26:8, KJV and Deuteronomy 32:30 KJV)

With all you do, take advantage of corporate praying in the spirit and in tongues if you want to achieve greater things for the Lord in your church and ministry.

(See Ephesians 6:18, Acts 2:1-4, 12:5, 1 Timothy 2:8).

God bless you.

All the best!


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