23 Powerful Prayer Points For About To Wed Couples

23 Powerful Prayer Points For About To Wed Couples

Here are prayer points for about to wed couples you can use to pray. One of the most blessed days in one’s life is his and her wedding day; memorable, eventful and most often colorful. A lot goes into it, you know! The preparation is second to none as most about to wed put all their time, money and resources to make it a true memorable and unforgettable day. Yes, while all that is good, you must not forget that you have to secure the day all the more with prayers. You can prepare all you can, but until you prepare in the spirit, through prayers, you really have not prepared. Don’t joke with your wedding day; everybody is not happy that you are getting married. Don’t be fooled and…
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19 Strong Prayer Points For Marriage Restoration

19 Strong Prayer Points For Marriage Restoration

Here are prayer points for marriage restoration you can use to pray. Marriage is serious business; don’t let anyone lie to you about that. Marriage takes a lot, involves a lot more and demands everything about and from you; you’ve got to know that. Plus, Satan even makes the pressure of marriage more daunting by adding his own callousness and animosity to it. He doesn’t care whether you are already faced with so much in your marriage; he will heaped his own on it all so that he may destroy your marriage. So what are you going to do? Stop him before he destroys it. And if he has already succeeded in destroying it, God can help you restore it. There’s nothing beyond God, you know! So if you learn…
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23 Special Prayer Points For Immigration Breakthrough

23 Special Prayer Points For Immigration Breakthrough

Here are prayer points for immigration breakthrough you can use to pray. It can be tough making your way through immigration service. You may even have all the papers, the permit to visit or migrate to a certain country, but if the Lord is not on your side, the process may be frustrating. You know how much you have been frustrated making your way through immigration to go to where you are headed. The more you try, the more you are rejected. And you know rejection can be frustrating, heartbreaking and really leave deep hurts in the mind. Well, you don’t have to quit trying; you just need to do it this time around differently by preparing and fortifying yourself in the spirit. That’s to say, you have got to…
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23 Powerful Prayer Points For Ember Months

23 Powerful Prayer Points For Ember Months

Here are prayer points for ember months you can use to pray. Believe it or not, ember months are tough, rough, and fast and furious. It is during the ember months that the volume of satanic activities is very much on the increase. Why? It is because, the dark world carry out a lot of sacrifices and rituals at the end of the year. They need so much blood to finish up the year strong. So you can readily now see why it is at the ember months that road accident rate increases, way more than any other months of the year.  But no matter what the months are like, they are all the same before God and are not beyond Him. Now, Satan can tamper with whoever and with…
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17 Strong Prayer Points For Visa Approval (And Interview)

17 Strong Prayer Points For Visa Approval (And Interview)

Here are prayer points for visa approval you can use to pray. You do not have to go through all that hassle because of visa approval and interview. God can undertake for you and give you favor with the consul or consular of the country you want to visit or immigrate to. After all, the heart of the king is in his hands and He can do with it whatever pleases Him. (See Proverbs 21:1, NIV) Plus, the earth is the Lord’s and the fullness therefore. (See Psalm 24:1, KJV) All you need to do first and foremost is to prepare, prepare your heart, your minds and your body. Prepare the require documents that will give you the approval that you need. But above all, you will need to prepare…
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23 Special Prayer Points For Exam Success

23 Special Prayer Points For Exam Success

Here are prayer points for exam success you can use to pray. There are no shut cuts to passing your exams, you have got to read and study to prepare yourself for success. There’s the place of mental and physical fitness as far your preparation is concerned. Plus, there’s the place of spiritual alertness to be able to get it right with preparations and also delivery on the said examination day. Everything in life is spiritual, you know! Better put, everything in life has spiritual roots and connotations. So that’s why as you prepare yourself mentally, physically and otherwise, you have to be all the more prepared spiritually. That’s why you need to pray. You have to take charge of your life, situation and happenings as far as the exam…
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19 Powerful Prayer Points For Victory and Success

19 Powerful Prayer Points For Victory and Success

Here are prayer points for victory and success you can use to pray. Success is not an accident; you may have heard that said a thousand times. It is a series of prayer, work that meets with opportunity. More so, you can even create your own opportunity after you have done all the preparations. This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success. (Joshua 1:8, KJV) You have to take responsibility for your success, you know! But victory is not same as success; victory is a free gift from God, bought and…
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23 Beautiful Early Morning Prayer Points With Bible Verses

23 Beautiful Early Morning Prayer Points With Bible Verses

Here are early morning prayer points with bible verses you can use to pray. It is a beautiful thing to pray early in the morning, Jesus did. Better still, it is even more beautiful when your prayers are scripture based - God’s holy written word. See, any prayer that does not find its root and footing on the Scripture is a waste of time. Prayers are not just our needs crying out to God, it is our need connecting and taking its root in the word and then through the word reaching out to God. It is simple, God is not under obligation to hear your prayer and answer them, but He is under obligation to honor His Word. So when your prayer now takes on the word, when your…
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19 Strong Spiritual Warfare Prayers For Finances

19 Strong Spiritual Warfare Prayers For Finances

Here are spiritual warfare prayers for finances you can use to pray. Believe it or not, money is a spirit and you must understand certain spiritual truths about it to be able to deal with it. Hear it again, money and financial matters is spiritual, and you have got to know how to handle money in the spirit before you can have it work for you and serve you in the natural. You may know all the financial laws and principles in the world, but until you get the spiritual aspect of money right, you may just still be struggling with your finances. Now, let me quickly say something about the difference between money and finances. Money is liquid, while finance is the management of it. Money can be physical…
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17 Powerful Healing and Deliverance Prayer Points

17 Powerful Healing and Deliverance Prayer Points

Here are healing and deliverance prayer points you can use to pray. Believe it or not, many of the sicknesses that a lot of people battle with today are caused by demons. In short, there are demons for every known ailment in the world today. Yes, I do understand that some cases are natural and or accidental and not caused by evil spirits; in that case, the body will heal itself if treated. But what happens when a certain ailment defiles all medical tests and treatments? In that case, just know that you are dealing with a demon. And when you know what to do, as soon as the devil is out, you will be healed. You don’t sweat out a demon, you know! Prayer, real fire prayer and command…
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