31 Great Prayer Points On Rest On Every Side

31 Great Prayer Points On Rest On Every Side

Here are prayer points on rest on every side you can use to pray. Our God is a God of peace and wants you to have rest and peace all round. Read the scriptures and you will find where it is written that God gave His people – Israel, Jehoshaphat and host of others rest round about. (See Joshua 21:44, KJV) That will tell you something: rest is a gift from God that He gives to His children. Good enough is that God has made provision in Christ for every believer in Christ to enter into His rest. All that He requires of you to enter and enjoy this rest is faith – a firm believe in God and the integrity of His word. And then when mixed with prayer,…
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31 Special Prayer Points For Revival And Restoration

31 Special Prayer Points For Revival And Restoration

Here are prayer points for revival and restoration you can use to pray. God’s so gracious and wonderful that you can always count on Him for fresh fire (revival) and for restoration. It doesn’t matter the level of spiritual complacency you may have found yourself, you can still get up and get on fire again if you would repent, make a few mind adjustments and then call on God for a fresh fire. It doesn’t matter how bad things have become in your life, it doesn’t matter how much you’ve lost and are losing right now, God restores. He will restore you today, if you ask Him to. (See Joel 2:25, KJV) You see, you just need a few adjustments in your mind, a reassurance of faith and salvation through…
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31 Powerful Prayer Points On Possessing Your Inheritance

31 Powerful Prayer Points On Possessing Your Inheritance

Here are prayer points on possessing your inheritance you can use to pray. Hey, there are giants in and around the inheritance God has given you. The land of Canaan, the Promised Land had giants, the son of Anak living in it. (See Numbers 13:33, KJV) Yes, though God had given the land to Abraham and His seed for an everlasting possession, yet they had to do battles to take the land. That tells you something; the inheritance God has given you, that you are yet to possess, has giants already occupying and taking possession of it. It is not empty. Your part, is to take the fight to the inheritance in prayer, dispossess the illegal occupants and then take possession of your inheritance. Ready to fight the good fight…
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31 Prayer Points For Personal Revival And Spiritual Awakening

31 Prayer Points For Personal Revival And Spiritual Awakening

Here are prayer points for personal revival and spiritual awakening you can use to pray. Did you realize that when God wants to do a new thing on the earth, He looks for man? (See Ezekiel 22:30, KJV) He calls one man to prayer and then begin to fill him with His mind and thought over the thing He wants to change on earth. What is that saying to you right now? Your personal revival and spiritual awakening is what God needs to birth a new thing on the earth. That’s what He needs to start a new move and wave of His glory in your community, city and state. Are you ready to pay the price on your knee for personal revival and spiritual awakening for the good and…
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40 Great Scriptures For Revival And Spiritual Awakening

40 Great Scriptures For Revival And Spiritual Awakening

Here are scriptures for revival and spiritual awakening that you can stand on in prayer as you seek God for revival and spiritual awakening. You should study them in-depth and make your teachings on revival and spiritual awakening out of them. You may even draw a bible study plan from it to teach to your church in the next couple of weeks. Whatever may be the case, every Christian needs the knowledge of God’ word on every, and any subject of the Bible. So arm yourself with these scriptures, so you can be at your best with God, filled His knowledge and fullness in these end time. READ ALSO: Prayer Points For Revival Of The Church Scriptures For Revival And Spiritual Awakening The following are scriptures for revival and spiritual…
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31 Strong Prayer Points For Breaking Generational Curses With Scriptures

31 Strong Prayer Points For Breaking Generational Curses With Scriptures

Here are prayer points for breaking generational curses with scriptures that you can use to pray. Curses are real, no doubt, generational curses, much more. (See Joshua 6:26 - KJV, and 1 Kings 16:34, KJV) But God’s power to break them is also very real, even more real. Now, scriptures make it clear that Jesus had borne curses and the penalty of every curse on the cross for you, to the end that you may be released from curses. (See Galatians 3:13, KJV) Thus, the sacrifice of Christ on the cross is God’s provision, sufficient enough for release from every curse. Now, if you believe that, then you are half way on your way of release from every curse in your family. Yes, no matter the curse, no matter who…
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31 Great Prayer Points For Finding A Godly Husband

31 Great Prayer Points For Finding A Godly Husband

Here is a list of prayer points for finding a godly husband that you can pray with in your search for one. As believers, we are to acknowledge the Lord in all that we do, that is, bring our heart desires before Him so that He can direct our path (See Proverbs 3:5-6, KJV). Marriage is an institution established by the Lord, therefore, there is a need to ask for His guidance through prayer as we embark on the journey. Who else would know or have the template for the right choice than the one who initiated the institution in the first place? So, it is important to pray for his leading as you take the first step into the institution. Having said that, let’s now jump-in into praying these…
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31 Solid Prayer Points For Choir Growth

31 Solid Prayer Points For Choir Growth

Here are prayer points for choir growth you can use to pray. Did you know that next to the pastor(s), the group in your church that Satan usually destroys with sin, particularly the sin of fornication and adultery is the choir group? That should tell you something about the place and power of a choir group in the body of Christ. When the members of the group are serving God in true holiness, walking in righteousness and integrity of heart, then they can literally sing down the glory and power of God in every of your service. Yes, they can help set the flow and pace a meeting will go, if they know how to yield to the Spirit… and that will just make the work, preaching, teaching and ministering…
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31 Great Prayer Points For My Future Husband

31 Great Prayer Points For My Future Husband

Here are prayer points for my future husband that you can use to pray. The family, which is an important unit in the society, is headed by the father, who is first a husband. Also, marriage is important to God because it is the only earthly relationship that typifies the divine relationship between Christ and His Church (See Ephesians 5:21-32, KJV). Thus, the devil has seen this as an avenue to oppress the family by creating discord within the family because it is a united family that makes a peaceful society. He knows that a breakdown in the family system would result into a breakdown in societal values. So, he allows singles make light of their marital journeys. Such that it is when there’s breakdown in the home that you…
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31 Strong Prayer Points For Ushering Department

31 Strong Prayer Points For Ushering Department

Here are prayer points for ushering department you can use to pray. Did you know that the ushering department in your church needs prayer as much as any other person, unit and department in church? In short, they need more prayer than you think. Did you ever hear this saying: ‘first impression matters?’ Yes, your ushers give the first impression of your church and ministry to worshipers. They are the first contact with worshipers in every service; from the church entrance doors to the isle and down to the seat where worshipers will sit, you can be sure that there will be an usher that will welcome, lead and eventually get the worshiper to his or her seat. That’s how important the usher’s work is. The order or orderliness in…
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