Helpful Tips On Fasting And Praying To Hear From God

Here’s a guide on fasting and praying to hear from God.

Hearing from God is the redemptive right of every Christian.

Yes, Jesus died, was buried and rose again from the dead to restore to you the ability to hear God.

Better put, Jesus died, was buried and rose again from the dead to bring you back to a place in God where you can hear Him and hear Him clearly.

If you are a believer in Jesus Christ therefore, you are in Christ, in a place and position where you can hear God.

Whether you fast or not, you are supposed to be able to hear your Father’s voice whenever He speaks to you.

So for us, hearing God is more a skill to develop than really a prayer to pray.

God is your Father, what child is it that does not know and recognize the voice of a father when he speaks.

‘My sheep hear my voice and the follow me’ Jesus said. (See John 10:27, KJV)

My children, for instance, know my voice, they don’t need to see me to know it is daddy that is talking. All they need is to hear my voice.


It is because they have grown up to know and recognize that voice.

Same is true of a believer.

If you have been walking with the Lord for at least 3months to one year, by now you should know and recognize how your Father speaks to you.

It’s that simple.

However, there’s a place of fasting and praying to hear God’s voice. (See Acts 13:1-2, KJV)

That said, let us now see a few areas you need to pay attention to in seeking to hear from God in fasting and prayer.

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Fasting And Praying To Hear From God

Here are a few things to keep in mind while fasting and praying to hear from God.

1. God Is Your Father

In order to make the most of fasting and praying to hear from God, you need to first and foremost know your Father.

You should by now have a working relationship with God as your Father.

He only communicates with His sons and daughter in Christ and not just everybody.

(See John 14:7, KJV)

Ask Jesus, to show you the Father and He will give you a revelation of your Father, one that will settle your heart forever on the love of God.

2. Hearing God’s Voice Is Your Right

To be clear on God’s voice, you must come to believe that you have a redemptive right to hear God’s voice.

Jesus bought the right to hear God’s voice for you with His shed blood.

What is strange is if the voice you are hearing is not God’s.

You should hear God’s voice.

When you wake up in the morning, you are to hear His voice, as you set out for the day, His voice goes with you on.

When you come back home in the evening or night after your days’ activities, His voice is there to welcome you home.

When you retire to bed at night, and even in your sleep, His voice is there, all the time.   

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3. Know How He Speaks To You

The most important thing in your Christian life is the ability to hear God’s voice.

It makes the Christian life beautiful and bright.

It will save you of a lot of struggle, hit and miss and all guess work in your walk with God.

While you are fasting and praying to hear his voice, you should be quick to know how he ordinarily speaks to you.

He will come to you that same way now that you are seeking Him specially.

So, question is, how does God speaks to you?

How God Speaks

i. God speaks through His word

The Holy Spirit takes and lifts bible verses from off the pages of scriptures causing them to come alive, stirring at you.

That’s God speaking to you through that bible passage.

ii. God speaks through dreams and visions.

iii. He speaks through prophecies.

iv. He speaks through servants of God/people He has put in/set over your life.

v. He sometimes speaks through circumstances.

vi. He speaks through deep impressions and premonitions.

vii. He speaks through the voice, audible voice of the Holy Spirit.

viii. He speaks through tongues and interpretation.

PEOPLE ALSO READ: Fasting And Praying In The Bible

4. Check For Conformity With Scriptures.

Whatever God says to you and in whatever way He said it, you must confirm it through the written scripture.

Anytime you had a vision, dream, prophecy and you are sure it is God’s voice you are hearing, check with the Bible to confirm it.

His voice and instructions do not contradict His written word.

Secondly, look out for peace whenever you think you have heard God.

His voice will communicate peace, for God will always speaks peace to His people.

So, judge what you hear with peace.

If you heard God supposedly but you lost your peace in the midst of it, or in a bid to carry out what you hear, then step back and hear again, because peace is God’s umpire for certainty and correctness of hearing.

5. Ask God Questions And Expect To Hear Him Talk Back To You

One of the best practice in hearing from God is the practice of enquiry or asking questions.

Be bold to ask God questions.

He will answer you.

He will talk back to you.

If He did not talk to you as clearly as you would hear your mother’s voice, He will come to you in dream or something.

Surely, He will talk to you.

He will answer your question.

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6. Know and Fellowship the Holy Spirit

The voice of God comes in the place of communion, fellowship with the Holy Spirit.

In the place of worship, on your knees in prayer, in your studies…that’s when God speaks the loudest.

This is so because at such moments, you are fellowshipping the Holy Spirit, and it is the Holy Spirit that brings the voice of God to you.

That’s the fact.

The person you hear when you think you have heard God’s voice is actually the Holy Spirit.

He speaks and communicates the desires and wishes of the Godhead.

He transmits the voice of the Father and of Jesus.

7. Act On What You Hear Or See

The last and most important step in fasting and praying to hear God’s voice is ACTION – what you do with what you hear.

Why praying to hear God’s voice when you are not going to step out in faith on what you will hear.

Faith in what you hear and the corresponding action is what brings the manifestation of what you hear.

No action on your part, no result to show that you have heard God.

So, go do what you hear God said to you.

That’s where the blessing is.

PEOPLE ALSO READ: Things To Do While Fasting And Praying


A lot has been said and written about hearing the voice of God, this guide on fasting and praying to hear God’s voice is our way to lend our voice to what has been written and said.

You sure will learn something new one way or the other in this post.

Yes, fast and pray, but do it from the standpoint of faith, expecting that God will talk to you.

And when He does, because He surely will, then go do what you hear Him say.

But be sure that His voice communicates peace and that it does not contradict His holy written word.

That way, you will always be in the right and in the light.

You will find yourself in the will and center of God’s program for you per time.

God bless you.

Now, go and prosper, go and succeed as you act on the voice of His word.

The sky is your starting point, not your limit, in Jesus’ name.


All the best.


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