23 Scriptural Prayer Points For Mercy (With Bible Verses)

23 Scriptural Prayer Points For Mercy (With Bible Verses)

Faith, Prayer
If you are feeling overwhelmed with life and situations but convinced that what you need is the mercy of God to put you over, well, here are some prayer points for mercy that you can pray. First off, you need to know that God’s mercy, grace and favor are made available for you through the redemption that’s in Christ Jesus. It is the sacrifice of the cross of Christ (His shed blood) that secures for you the mercy of God. But as with all other provision (benefits) of the cross of Christ, you will need prayer to access and appropriate mercy. That’s where these prayer points for mercy come handy. Not exhaustive nonetheless, these prayer points for mercy will help you get started and head you in the right direction…
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11 Prayer Points For Spiritual Growth (With Bible Verses)

11 Prayer Points For Spiritual Growth (With Bible Verses)

Here’s a list of prayer points for spiritual growth that will help you cover your need for a healthy spiritual growth. Do you desire to grow spiritually in Christ! Every Christian should! You should! Growth is part of nature; spiritually too, God wants you to grow. His plan is that you grow into Him in all things in Christ. (Ephesians 4:15) But what does Spiritual growth really means! Simply, spiritual growth means to conform to the image of His son, to be like Christ in all things. (See Romans 8:29) Now, in this post on prayer points for spiritual growth, we will help you with scriptural based prayer points that are tailored towards spiritual growth. Pray these prayer points for spiritual growth in faith and then watch the Holy Spirit…
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31 Strong Prayer Points For Healing (With Bible Verses)

31 Strong Prayer Points For Healing (With Bible Verses)

Here’s a list of prayer points for healing to pray over self if you are sick. They can also be prayed over any loved one and over the sick anywhere. Sickness is death begun, it is of the devil. It is Satan’s way of dominating your body. But thank God that He has made provision for your healing by the shed blood of Christ. And through prayer, you can appropriate that provision for yourself and loved ones. So through these prayer points for healing, you can actually receive healing for yourself and for someone else. All you need is to pray them in faith. Plus, these prayer points for healing covers all kinds of sicknesses and diseases. From arthritis to Appendicitis, prayer points for healing prayed in faith will bring…
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19 Great Prayer Points For Children (With Bible Verses)

19 Great Prayer Points For Children (With Bible Verses)

Looking for prayer points for children to effectively pray and cover them in prayer? We have you covered. By the way, if you don’t pray for your children, you are not doing yourself any good, worse still; you are doing your children a disservice. So much depends on how much and how well you pray for your children. Prayer is an investment into your children’s future. If you pray for them now, you will rejoice with them tomorrow. To help get you started therefore, we have put together these prayer points for children for quick guide and reference as you pray for your children. Go through these prayer points for children, pray them in faith as often and trust God to see your children turn out in the way of…
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Birthday Prayer For Myself (With Bible Verses)

Birthday Prayer For Myself (With Bible Verses)

Here’s a birthday prayer for myself that I would pray and declare over self on the occasion of my birthday. Of course for you too if you’re surfing the net for birthday prayer for self! First off, this birthday prayer for myself is best prayed in the early hours of your birthday. That means you don’t have to wait till full dawn before praying it. Wake up as early as 12 am, 3 am or 6 am (before you see anybody) and pray this birthday prayer. Talk to God first before you talk to anyone else. That way, you will be sure to command and order your new year with grace, glory and the divine presence. READ ALSO: Bible Verses For Birthday Woman Birthday Prayer For Myself Oh Lord, I…
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11 Strong Prayer Points For Family (With Bible Verses)

11 Strong Prayer Points For Family (With Bible Verses)

Here are some prayer points for family with corresponding bible verses that will help you cover your family in prayer. Next to the church, the Christian family is top target for Satan and his host of demons. In short, top of Satan’s yearly annual agenda is the wreckage of Christian homes, marriages and families. You shouldn't be surprised about that at all; without the family, God’s plan on earth cannot be carried out. God needed a family of Joseph to bring to the world the Messiah. Who knows, your family may just be bringing another savior to the world (Obadiah 1:21). And the church and of course the society is made up of families. So destroy the family, and you destroy the church and the society – that’s Satan’s mission.…
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13 Strong Intercessory Prayer Points For The Church

13 Strong Intercessory Prayer Points For The Church

Faith, Prayer
Here are intercessory prayer points for the church you can use to pray for the church at this trying moment. The number one mission of Satan is to destroy the Church of Jesus Christ. But the word of God declares: ‘…I will build my church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.’ (Matthew 16:18) True! Yet one way to join forces with the Lord for the keeping, preservation and safety of the church is to pray. History has taught the church that if she doesn't pray, stand firm for the word of God, boldly declare her faith and resist the devil with all boldness, Satan may silence and prevail against it locally even though not globally. That’s why you and I (the individual member of the body…
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A Prayer In The Morning (With Bible Verses)

A Prayer In The Morning (With Bible Verses)

Here’s a prayer in the morning that will help give you a great start with your day. Don’t you ever rush out of your home without at least a prayer in the morning! Prayers in the morning are helpful, through them you can order the course of the day, release heavenly forces that will aid your day and best of all, activate the divine presence to accompany you all day long. Plus, praying in the morning will make your day beautiful and if peradventure challenges come your way, you will be in the place of strength and quietness to handle them. A prayer in the morning is the first thing you need to have and to make the most of your day.   Now, in case you are wondering how…
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A Prayer For Peace Of Mind (With Bible Verses)

A Prayer For Peace Of Mind (With Bible Verses)

Troubled and in need of peace! Here’s a prayer for peace of mind that will help restore and established the peace of God in your heart. A lot of things will not work well in a troubled atmosphere, in a mind where there’s no peace. Relationships, work and life will be out of order, anxiety and stress will be the order of the day when there’s no peace of mind And we all do have troubled minds every now and then. So when peace seems gone, what should you do? Pray, of course. So here’s a prayer for peace of mind to pray when troubled and peace seems gone. READ ALSO: A Prayer In The Morning A Prayer For Peace Of Mind Lord, I know that I’m troubled right now,…
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A Prayer For Strength For A Friend (With Bible Verses)

A Prayer For Strength For A Friend (With Bible Verses)

Here’s a prayer for strength for a friend who may be going through difficult time right now. One of the most important qualities you need in time of trouble, when faced with hardship and difficulty is strength to hold through. Yes, there are several other character of the spirit that you may need at the time, but strength really towers above them all. Without it, you may fall, you may lose out and you may not hold to the end. So if have a friend that’s going through right now and is almost given up, here’s a prayer for strength for a friend that may help save his life. In short, prayer is one of the best gifts you can give to a friend going through hard, tough and difficult…
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