Fasting For God’s Guidance: A Quick Guide

Today, we are going to be looking at very important subject tagged: ‘fasting for God’s guidance.’

Yes, you can fast to get clarity of direction from God.

A lot of persons did in Bible days.

You can fast to obtain guidance from God and you will have it.

If people did in bible days and they received help and direction from the Lord, you too can today and you will get the same result.

Now, what is left is for you to know exactly how they did it, so you can do it the same way.

Learn how to fast and pray for God’s guidance and you will not be in error when you do.

Are you ready to learn the how?

Let us go.

READ ALSO: Fasting And Praying To Hear From God

Why You Should Fast And Pray For Guidance From God

When you are not sure which way to go, you need to ask and seek the Lord for it.

When you are afraid of the way to go, you need to seek for help in showing the way and for protection.

You need to hear His voice saying’ this is the way, walk ye in it, when ye turn to the right and when ye turn to the left.’ (See Isaiah 30:21, KJV).

God’s guidance and leadership helps to eliminate trial and error.

It breeds confidence and certainty.

By the way, God is always very clear on what He wants you do and also very clear on the direction, the way you are to go about it.

Having showed the complete detail to Moses of the true tabernacle in heaven, He instructed him to build according to pattern, ‘build as I have showed you.’ (See Hebrews 8:5, KJV)

That’s how much God can be factual and detailed with you and what He wants you do.

And if for any reason you are not clear, sure and certain about the way to go with God and His call and assignment for you, you can take a fast, separate yourself to a time of intense and sustained prayer and fasting to receive His guidance…and He will come through for you.  (See Ezra 8:21-23, KJV)

PEOPLE ALSO READ: Fasting And Praying In The Bible

How To God About Fasting For Guidance From God

Having explained why you should go to God in search of guidance, it’s time you know how to go about it for effectiveness and results.

Here’s how to go about seeking God in fasting for guidance.

Set Your Heart For It

Your heart is very important in seeking God, this is because your thoughts are louder in heaven than your words.

Sometimes, depending on how close your relationship with God is, you find out that even the thoughts of your heart are resolved and attended to without you having talked them over with God in prayer yet.

God wants to see the desperation of your heart, the position of your heart; He wants to see how much you really want and are hungry for His guidance.

Set your heart right, be hungry for guidance, show God how much your life depends on His guidance and He will come through for you.

Separate Yourself For It

If you need God’s guidance seriously, then you will do all you can to separate yourself and time to meet with the Lord until you hear from Him.

Separate yourself, seek Him in fasting and in extended prayer and He will come through for you.

Live the busyness of life, the din and bustles of daily living and hustles and go shut yourself up somewhere just to seek and receive of the Lord.

When you seek God, you will find Him if you do with the whole of your heart. (See Jeremiah 29:13, KJV)

But what if you don’t have time to separate yourself to seek Him in earnest, you may ask!

Well, separate your heart and sanctify Him in your thought with an attitude of separation, and He will meet you.  

Pray With Specificity And Unbroken Focus

Some many believers go praying for everything instead of for something specific.


Agreed, you have many prayer request you want to cover in prayer, but this time around the focus is on getting guidance and direction from the Lord, so stay with that and settle it before you go to another prayer point if you still have time.

Settle what you separated yourself to pray for before you think of praying something else.

Even if it will take the whole 3 days of fasting and praying to settle it (assuming you are fasting for 3 days), just make sure you stay with it until you receive from God before you think of another prayer need.

PEOPLE ALSO READ: Fasting And Praying For A House

Expect To Hear Or See The Way

When you come to God seeking Him for guidance and direction (just like every other thing), make sure you come with expectation in your heart to receive.

So many people pray just for praying sake.

Everybody is fasting and praying, you also want to fast and to pray just for the sake of it.

You must come out from among believers who pray but don’t really expect to receive.

Fasting and praying with no expectation is a waste of time.

No, go to God with expectation, that’s what’s called faith expectation.

Pray and expect Him to communicate your answer to you in the way you will best understand.

He may speak to you, He can show it to you in dream, vision and revelation.

So, be ready to receive of the Lord, the answer to your prayer when you pray. (See Mark 11:24, KJV)

Expect to hear Him speak to you or show to you the guidance you’re asking of Him.

Act On What You See Or Hear (Faith)

Hearing from God is the first side of the coin on guidance from God, the second and equally very important side is acting on what God has said or show to you.

If you hear and or see and don’t act, you will never enjoy and see the goodness of God in the land of the living.

It is your action that gives expression to the word of God.

Whatever direction you perceive, go in the direction.

Step out on it in faith, test out the word of God you heard and or see and you will see the glory of God.

That’s the way to go, that’s the way to walk with God.

PEOPLE ALSO READ: Fasting And Praying For A Future Husband


There are no hard and fast rules when it comes to fasting and praying to receive God’s guidance.

All you need in seeking and receiving from God is a hunger to know, a sincerity of heart and purpose and then faith expectation.

When you seek God with expectation, with a readiness to receive from Him and then you are specific and definite with your request no matter how long, you will see His hand, He will come through for you.

May the Lord meet you, grant the desires of your heart, make clear to you the steps you are to take in any area of your life that you are seeking Him for guidance today, in the Jesus’ name.

May your eyes be opened to see, your ears opened to hear and your mind opened to comprehend what you hear and see of Him, in Jesus’ name.

God bless you.   


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