A Prayer For Those In Pain (Emotional, Bodily…)

A Prayer For Those In Pain (Emotional, Bodily…)

Here’s a prayer for those in pain that you can pray for self, family, for friends, colleagues, and people all over the world who are hurting one way or the other. Pain obviously is not part of God’s plan for humanity. It is not normal and tend to completely disorganize anyone who is in it. Have you seen and talked with people who are and were in pain? I mean a person living in pain daily for a year, and some, for many years. These were persons who hitherto lived normal lives void of pain. But with the introduction of pain, life and living became a struggle, a misnomer…so much pain that some wished to die and end it instead of living daily in pains unbearable. You may be able…
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23 Powerful Prayer Points To Activate Angels

23 Powerful Prayer Points To Activate Angels

Here are few things you need to know about angels, followed with prayer points to activate angels that you can use to pray. Angles are ministering spirit (God’s assistants) sent with daily and routinely responsibility to minister (help and assist) the believer. (See Hebrews 1:14, KJV) Every child born into the world has a guardian angel. (See Matthew 18:10, KJV) And you don’t lose your guardian angel because you have grown up. This angel may be active or passive, depending on a number of things. Every believer has or keep his guardian angel, but at the point of salvation, the guardian angel becomes activated with more power to work effectively and deliver. Every family (and marriage) has its guardian angel. Every ministry and or church has a guardian and leading…
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31 Faith And Power Prayers For Those Hurting

31 Faith And Power Prayers For Those Hurting

Let us take a couple of prayer points today tagged; prayers for those hurting. If you live long enough, you will hurt, you will experience pain, disappointment and trouble. (See Job 14:1, KJV) And of course pleasures too. And if it doesn’t happen to you, you may see or live with friends and family members who are going through…, so hurt is part of life. That does not mean that you are a bad person or that God is not with you, no. It is just that bad things do happen to good people. You live in a world governed by Satan, the god of this age. He will most definitely come after you like he did Job, reason being that you are a believer. (See Job Chapters 1 and…
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31 Powerful Prophetic Prayers For New Week

31 Powerful Prophetic Prayers For New Week

If you are looking at entering the new week in power, then here are prophetic prayers for new week you can use to pray and condition the week for success, fruitfulness and breakthrough. Yes, every day has its glory, same is every week and also every month. (See Psalm 19:2, KJV and 1 Corinthians 15:41, KJV) God has a plan with a blessing for you this year, and in the year, He has the plan and blessing broken down into days and weeks. Your part is to position yourself in faith and prayer to connect with the plan and then do all you can to provoke and obtain the blessings that follow. It is to this end that we put together this list of prophetic prayers for new week to…
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31 Powerful Prayer Points On Divine Speed

31 Powerful Prayer Points On Divine Speed

Here are prayer points on divine speed you can use to pray. There’s what you can do as a person, in your wisdom, calculation – your ideas, but there’s what only GOD can do that is beyond every of your calculation. If you have been experiencing slow growth or no growth at all in spite of all your wonderful ideas and smart calculations, what you need now for a change of story is the power of God to bring acceleration on your plan, path and efforts. Wonderful as you are, smart as you are, intelligent and well read; you know the market, but still, you are not making headways as you should. That tells you something: you are limited, humans are limited in scope, understanding, knowledge and wisdom. But there’s…
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31 Strong Prayers For Manifestation Of God’s Promises

31 Strong Prayers For Manifestation Of God’s Promises

If God’s word has been declared over your life and you are awaiting its manifestation and fulfilment, then this post on prayers for manifestation of God’s promises may be well for you. Well, it is important to know that when God’s word comes to you by the Spirit or maybe declared over you through prophecy and or word of wisdom and word of knowledge, it leaves you with a responsibility (to first and foremost) either believe it or not. Foremost of all that it takes the word of God spoken over your life to come to pass is your response of faith, your YES, your resounding YES and AMEN, heartfelt and exhilarating YES in anticipation of the fulfilment. You have to receive God’s word with a believing yes, an exciting…
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Special Happy Valentine’s Day Prayer

Special Happy Valentine’s Day Prayer

Love is in the air, it’s valentine. Here are happy Valentine’s Day prayer you can say for yourself, family, wife, friends, daughter, boyfriend, teachers and even as a pastor. The greatest thing in the world is love. It is not racial, not tribal, doesn’t know religion, it’s timeless, doesn’t know nationality and boundaries. It has no respect for age, and time and it is long lasting (that’s when it is true love). It doesn’t fail, because God is love…for God does not fail. (See 1 Corinthians 13:7, NIV) Yes, human love is selfish most of the time and susceptible to failure, heart breaks and disappointments. But the greatest of love is God’s unconditioned love expressed towards humanity in Christ Jesus, this love does not fail. Well, no matter your experience…
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31 Special Valentine Day Prayers And Wishes

31 Special Valentine Day Prayers And Wishes

Love is in the air, time to give and receive love from God and from people, these valentine day prayers and wishes may help you find a way to receive and give love. Although, love is an everyday thing, yet Valentine’s Day is a special day to resound louder the trumpet of love, give and express it deeper than you've ever done. It is also a day and time to heal from the wounds of love, by letting God pour the love of Christ afresh upon your heart for healing. Yes, while valentine is generally love expressed within the human people, it is best to remember that there’s a type of love that is stronger, eternal and better than any love you can give and get from any human person.…
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31 Special Back To School Prayer Points (For Teachers And Students)

31 Special Back To School Prayer Points (For Teachers And Students)

Here are back to school prayer points you can use to pray for teachers and students upon resumption. If there was ever anytime to seriously pray for our schools, it is now. The shootings, killings, kidnapping that our children and teachers have experienced in the past few years is alarming, so much that it requires a call for spiritual state of emergency. The devil is all out to kill our children and their teachers, robbing them of life, value and future. We cannot continue to keep quiet and just watch. No. We call and declare a spiritual state of emergency on our schools. We have to pray to secure God’s intervention in the matter, ask for His protection going forward so we can help protect and secure the future of…
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31 Special Prayer Points For Soul Winning (With Scriptures)

31 Special Prayer Points For Soul Winning (With Scriptures)

'He that winneth souls is wise,' the Scripture declares. (Proverbs 11:30b, KJV) Now, here are prayer points for soul winning you can use to pray for yourself and for souls in your efforts to reaching and winning the lost. The job closest to the heart of the Father is soul winning. Jesus made it a major focus and stay of His ministry on earth. The Son of man came to seek and to save that which was lost, He affirmed at His meeting with Zacchaeus. (See Luke 19:1-10, KJV) It was to that end He died on the cross, was buried and on the third day rose from the dead to make life and light available to whoever will believe. Jesus was a success at soul winning, that’s because He…
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