31 Strong Midnight Prayers For Fruit Of The Womb

31 Strong Midnight Prayers For Fruit Of The Womb

Faith, Prayer
If you waiting and looking to God for the blessing of the fruit of the womb, these midnight prayers for fruit of the womb will be of help to you. Midnight is very strategic in spiritual warfare, just said to let you know that. By the way, Jesus did a lot of praying at night when He was here on earth in person, you know. Most miscarriages and delay in conception and fruit of the womb that defile medical explanations are nothing but spiritual warfare. But you have to be assured first of all, that the battle you are engaged in is already decided in your favor. You are the winner. What is most important in this fight is your attitude: fighting in faith from the stand point of victory.…
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Why Did Jesus Pray Early In The Morning? (Why You Should)

Why Did Jesus Pray Early In The Morning? (Why You Should)

Our focus today is on the question: ‘Why did Jesus pray early in the morning?’ Every great saint in the Bible had the practice of waking up very early in the morning to pray. See examples of Abraham (Genesis 19:27), Jacob (Genesis 28:18), Moses (Exodus 34:4), Joshua (Joshua 6:12), Gideon (Judges 7:1), Elkanah and family (1 Samuel 1:19), Samuel (1 Samuel 15:12), Job (Job 1:5), David (Psalm 57:8) and many more So why should Jesus be different. God in the Old Testament inspired the Patriarchs and prophets to rise up early in the morning to meet and commune with Him, take territories, do battles and executes His orders. Don’t’ forget that Jesus is God. (See John 1:1) He inspired this practice in the hearts of these saints to begin with…
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31 Powerful Prayers For Unsaved Husband

31 Powerful Prayers For Unsaved Husband

Here are prayers for unsaved husband you can use to pray. One of the greatest favors you can do a husband who is unsaved is to always pray for him. The scripture even states that the believing wife sanctifies the unsaved husband (See 1 Corinthians 7:14, KJV), and vice versa. That tells me something: you have a powerful spiritual influence on your unsaved husband that you have never put to use. Your prayers, your association and marriage to him can do him well, if you learn to use your godly, spiritual influence on him for good. Yes, I know dealing and living with an unsaved husband (a person who does not know eternal life and the love of God) can be a lot, really daunting, but you can still make…
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31 Prayer Points For Destiny Helpers (with Scriptures)

31 Prayer Points For Destiny Helpers (with Scriptures)

If you are seeking and looking to God for divine helpers, these prayer points for destiny helpers will help you position yourself and get it right in the place of prayer. No matter the level you are at in life, you need help to get to the next level, you particularly need helpers of destiny to make it happen. Good enough, when God wants to change a person’s life, He sends help (people, destiny helpers) his way. When Satan too is bent on destroying a person or people, he sends someone, an evil genius his and their way. Same principle; God uses people to lift you, Satan uses people to defile, corrupt, abuse and bring down. But thank God for the victory we have in Christ Jesus – the ultimate…
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31 Powerful Scriptures Against Delay And Stagnation

31 Powerful Scriptures Against Delay And Stagnation

The surest way to deal with delays and stagnation in life is through your stand on and faith-filled declaration of God’s word. These scriptures against delay and stagnation will furnish you with bible verses (bullets of the Spirit) to shoot at delay and stagnation until you bring the two down. That’s what is called the fight of faith. (See 1 Timothy 6:12, KJV) Prayer is good, but prayer is best and most effective when it based and born out of the word of God. So as you pray, be sure to mix your faith with these scriptures, so your prayer against delay and stagnation will be super effective. Ready to arm yourself with the bullets of the Spirit for this fight? Let’s get to it. READ ALSO: Prayers Against Stagnation…
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50 Great Prayer Points For Youth Program

50 Great Prayer Points For Youth Program

Feeling overwhelmed and are wondering what and how to pray for your youth program? Well, here are prayer points for youth program that can help you get started. You see, how effective your youth program will be is dependent on a number of factors. Yes. But chief among those factors is prayer. The horse is prepared against the day of battle but safety is of the Lord, the Scripture declares. (Proverbs 21:31) Yes, do all the planning you need to do, do all the publicity you need to do, put all the logistics in place, if God does not pour out His grace and favor on your effort, it may be a an effort in futility. What you are dealing with are the souls of people, so advertisement and market…
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31 Powerful Prayer Points For Youth Revival

31 Powerful Prayer Points For Youth Revival

Here are prayer points for youth revival you can use to pray. The glory of a young man is His strength, the scripture declares. (See Proverbs 20:29a, KJV) Does that account for the reason why God always goes for young people when He wants to bring a mighty revival to His work? Is that also the reason why Satan is all out for them to catch them young? Believe me, God believes so much in young people, that He will do everything to work among them. He knows when He has a young man, when he has a young person, He has a GENERATION. That’s why you should pray for revival among the youth of your nation, city and community. Are you ready to pray and call God to visit…
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31 Strong Prayer Points For God To Open My Spiritual Eyes

31 Strong Prayer Points For God To Open My Spiritual Eyes

Here are prayer points for God to open my spiritual eyes that you can use to pray. Spiritual blindness and deafness is a very pitiable state to be. You’d wish you never experienced such. You see, the beauty of your walk and relationship with God is in your ability to be able to hear Him and see things He wants you to see. (See Jeremiah 33:3, KJV) That’s the reason why He gave you the Holy Spirit to abide in you and to anoint you. You must do everything possible to come out of that state of spiritual blindness and deafness, otherwise, you will be in grave danger – Satan and his hosts will be able to hit you and run at will because you are not able to see,…
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31 Strong Warfare Prayer Points For End Of The Year

31 Strong Warfare Prayer Points For End Of The Year

Here are warfare prayer points for end of the year you can use to pray. You have got to pray to finish the year well, to finish strong. Jesus started with prayers and ended with prayers, a song writer said. You too, you started the year praying, now you’ve got to end it praying too. You are no stranger to events and happenings in the world around the end of the year. Satan and his agents always mop up, ramp up and double their efforts to wreck more havocs at the end of every year. That accounts for the reason why crime rates, deaths, accidents, all kinds of evil always increase at the end of the year. (Death is not your portion, sickness is not your portion, disappointments and financial…
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31 Great Prayer Points For God To Use Me

31 Great Prayer Points For God To Use Me

Here are prayer points for God to use me that you can use to pray. Truth is, God wants to use you more than you want Him to use you… you had better believe that. The Scripture is clear that there is always short of staff in God’s kingdom; ‘the harvest truly is plenteous, but the laborers are few,’ Jesus said. (Matthew 9:37, KJV) That statement is truer today than even when Jesus made it. World population according to United Nations has now reached an estimated 8 billion people. More than half of that number are not Christians. Can you now see that God needs more workers/laborers today to serve in His kingdom as ambassadors to these multiplied billions of people yet to be reached with the gospel of Jesus…
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