A Prayer For Those In Pain (Emotional, Bodily…)

Here’s a prayer for those in pain that you can pray for self, family, for friends, colleagues, and people all over the world who are hurting one way or the other.

Pain obviously is not part of God’s plan for humanity.

It is not normal and tend to completely disorganize anyone who is in it.

Have you seen and talked with people who are and were in pain?

I mean a person living in pain daily for a year, and some, for many years.

These were persons who hitherto lived normal lives void of pain.

But with the introduction of pain, life and living became a struggle, a misnomer…so much pain that some wished to die and end it instead of living daily in pains unbearable.

You may be able to relate with this, if you have suffered real body pain or if you are going through one right now.

But truth is, Jesus died to carry and bear your pains (I mean pain, real pain) in His body on the cross so that you may live now without one. (See Isaiah 53:4-5, NIV)

Yes, it is God’s will that you live pain free.

He had legally made provision for your freedom from pain through the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead.

Now it’s time you resist pain and take your pleasure by faith in Christ.

READ ALSO: Prayers For Those Hurting

A Prayer For Those In Pain

The following is a prayer for those in pain that you can use to pray for self, family members, friends, colleagues and everyone you know suffering one form of pain or another in the world:

A Prayer For Those Going Through Emotional Pain

Lord Jesus, I know you are anointed to heal hearts that are broken and wounded, yes, you went to the cross to settle with God the Father and with Satan in the matter of man and by redemption and on the ground of legality, you made healing and cure available.

Now, in your name, healing is available legally for everyone who believes.

I believe in your finished work on the cross for emotional healing for everyone hurting emotionally.

I pray now that by the power of the Holy Spirit, the healing you legally purchased for everyone on the cross be made effective in their souls, minds and bodies.

By faith, I pray and receive healing from all wounds and hurts that the emotionally wounded have suffered in their hearts.

Yes, I receive and deploy the healing balm of the Spirit for healing, lubrication and freedom for everyone hurting emotionally now, in Jesus’ name.

I pray that the wounds in their hearts are cured, the sore in their souls are covered by the power of the blood of Christ and of the Holy Spirit, in Jesus’ name.


PEOPLE ALSO READ: Prayer For Someone In Emotional Pain

A Prayer For Those Suffering Physical/Bodily Pain

Lord Jesus, in your death you bore all pain, sin and sickness away.

In your resurrection, you made life, forgiveness, healing and health available.

And through the power of the Holy Spirit, you made the cure you purchase on the cross available and effective in and on whoever believes.

Now, in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, I ask that pains from sicknesses and other bodily infirmities be removed, healed and cured by the power of the Holy Spirit, in Jesus’ name.

I declare healing and wholeness on anyone sick in body right now, in Jesus’ name.

Be healed, in the name of Jesus Christ!

A Prayer For Those Who Are Bereaved

Father, we all know the pain of bereavement, the loss of a loved one.

It is only you that can heal that hurt.

I ask you in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth that give the consolation of the Spirit to everyone hurting by reason of the loss of a loved one.

Lord, pour oil in their soul and heal it, in Jesus’ name.

May your divine presence make up for the void the loss of the loved one may have created in the heart, home, marriage, family etc, in Jesus’ name.


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A Prayer For Those Suffering The Pain Of Separation

Oh Lord, it is not easy being separated by death, divorce, war, rebellion (by children), disobedience, relocation and more.

But no matter the pain, you’re able to cure it, you’re able to heal it.

I pray for everyone suffering the pain of separation around the world to find succor and solace in you in Christ, in Jesus’ name.

Lord, make yourself more real to them, show yourself strong in their behalf, reveal yourself in your love, grace, tenderness and beauty to them so they may find true hope, reassurance and faith in Christ, in Jesus’ name.

Thank you for doing it Lord, in Jesus’ name.


A Prayer For Those Who Are Suffering The Pain Of Guilt

Lord, guilt is heavy.

It weighs like a thousand ton.

But in you Jesus, there’s cure, there’s lifting and there’s deliverance from guilt through forgiveness.

You bore the sin of the world, its consequences and effect (guilt) on the cross.

You offer on legal ground, forgiveness, mercy and restoration in return – by way of the divine exchange.

I ask Lord that you forgive every sin, every arrogance, every rebellion, every disobedience, every evil and sin that may have weigh the hearts of the individual reading this post down and those who are being prayed for by those reading.

Lord, have mercy, forgive and give my brother and or sister the assurance of salvation, lightness of heart – proof that sin has been forgiven.

Yes, Lord, lift the burden and weight of sin by the power of the Holy Ghost, in Jesus’ name.

Give cure from guilt by the power of the Holy Spirit, in Jesus’ name.   

Let the wounds in the heart as a result of sin and guilt be cured, cleared and rolled away by the power of the blood of Christ and of the Holy Spirit, in Jesus’ name.


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A prayer for those in pain.

Yes, hurts are many, but we have been constraint by the Spirit to address the 5 above.

Yet, no matter what pain you suffer, there’s a prayer for you here or elsewhere that meet your need.

If you are praying these prayers for yourself, then use the personal pronoun ‘1’, ‘me’ and ‘am’ to direct the prayers to yourself.

Otherwise, the prayers are meant to be said for people in pain other than yourself.

Having said the prayers, believe that God has heard you and that He has gone to work by His power – the law of the Spirit of Life in Christ Jesus in the lives, situation and circumstances of everyone hurting that you have prayed for.

Plus, to be sure that you have prayed right, effectively and well, we would ask that you pray all the more in the spirit and in tongues.

That way, you will be able to pray the very mind and will of God for those hurting and in pain. (See Romans 8:26-27, NIV)

Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints. (Ephesians 6:18, KJV)

All the best!

God bless you.


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