50 Great Prayer Points For Youth Program

Feeling overwhelmed and are wondering what and how to pray for your youth program? Well, here are prayer points for youth program that can help you get started.

You see, how effective your youth program will be is dependent on a number of factors.


But chief among those factors is prayer.

The horse is prepared against the day of battle but safety is of the Lord, the Scripture declares. (Proverbs 21:31)

Yes, do all the planning you need to do, do all the publicity you need to do, put all the logistics in place, if God does not pour out His grace and favor on your effort, it may be a an effort in futility.

What you are dealing with are the souls of people, so advertisement and market campaigns and strategies alone will not do.

You need the hand of God all the way.

And one way to securing God’s hand on and for your meetings; from the planning to execution is through focused prayer.

It is to that end that we put together these prayer points for youth program just so you may have a place to start out praying.

Ready to pray and make power available for your youth program?

Let’s go!

READ ALSO: Prayer Points For Youth Revival

Prayer Points For Youth Program

The following is a list of prayer points for youth program that you should pray to effectively cover your meeting in the place of prayer:

Prayers For Logistics

1. Pray and ask the Lord to help in His infinite wisdom with all the logistics and preparation for the program.

2. Pray and ask the Lord of the Harvest for a supply of resources: finances, material and people, (be specific in your budget), in the name of Jesus Christ.

3. Ask the Lord to help you find a suitable venue that will encourage great participation and turnout for the meeting, in Jesus’ name.

4. Pray and ask the Lord to inspire you and your team with creative ideas that will help bring innovations and excellence to your meeting, in Jesus’ name.

5. Ask and receive of the Lord the wisdom and ability to manage the resources, supplies and transports that will go into the success of the program, in Jesus’ name.

6. Ask the Lord to anoint you with excellence and grace so you will be able to pay and give attention to every detail that will make for the success of the program, in Jesus’ name.

7. Pray and ask the Lord to inspire you and your team with ideas for effective, result-oriented publicity for the program, in Jesus’ name.

8. Pray and declare all the days of the meeting sanctified by the blood of Jesus, in Jesus’ name.

Prayers For Turnout And Participation

9. Pray and ask the Lord to anoint your publicity materials and medium, so that everyone that hears and or gets in contact with the material will be drawn in by the Holy Spirit to participate in the meeting, in Jesus’ name.

10. Declare that the meeting will be well attended, in Jesus’ name.

11. Pray and ask the Lord to cause the heart of men and women that hear about the meeting or get the publicity material to be receptive and willing to attend, in Jesus’ name.

12. Ask the Lord to draw in, to give them reasons to attend the meeting and ultimately to help them give actions to their willingness, in Jesus’ name.

PEOPLE ALSO READ: Prayer Points For Youth

Prayers For God’s Visitation And Mighty Move

13. Ask the Lord to move mightily among the people during the program, in Jesus’ name.

14. Pray that the Holy Spirit and demonstration of power will characterized the meeting, in Jesus’ name.

15. Pray and ask the Lord to move among the people with mighty convincing miracles, signs and wonders, in Jesus’ name.

16. Lord, let there be a strong outpouring of your Spirit that the participants can hardly resist, in Jesus’ name.

17. Father, grant that every person that attends the program will come in contact with the overwhelming presence of the Holy Spirit, in Jesus’ name.     

Prayers For Salvation Of Souls And Receptivity

18. Oh that every unsaved person that attends the meeting be soundly saved and genuinely born again, Lord, in Jesus’ name.

19. Father, I pray that every man or woman that attends the program will never be the same again, in Jesus’ name.

20. Oh Lord, I pray that you give hearing ears to everyone in attendance, give understanding heart, Lord, so they will receive your word, be saved, healed and converted, in Jesus’ name.

Prayers For Healing And Deliverance

21. Lord, I pray that everyone sick and infirmed that attends the meeting, will be healed by the power of the anointed Christ, in Jesus’ name.

22. Lord, I pray that the oppressed will go free, the captive will be released and the afflicted will be delivered, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.

23. Lord, heal, I pray, the minds and emotions of the people, for you are anointed to bind hearts that are broken, in Jesus name.

24. Lord, restore souls, inspire hope to the hopeless and give grace and courage to the discouraged and burned-out, so they can start over again, in Jesus’ name.

25. Father, restore spiritual sights that the blind may see again, restore spiritual eras that the deaf may hear again, in Jesus’ name.

26. Lord, give us physical, tangible miracles; let the blind see, the deaf hear, the lame walk, the dumb speak and let there be creative miracles, in Jesus’ name.

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Prayers For The Team Member And Workers

27. Lord, give everyone member of the team physical strength to hold and cope with the pressure of the program, in Jesus’ name.

28. Give, Lord, understanding, and leadership, managerial and administrative abilities to everyone concerned that they may perform and deliver on their responsibilities with excellence, in Jesus’ name.

29. Father, I rebuke the spirit of Judah’s Iscariot from among the team members, in Jesus’ name.

30. Lord, I receive for every worker, health and strength, that they may be strong spiritually, fit physically and be in top form in mind all through the time of the program, in Jesus’ name.

31. Father, I pray for unity, oneness of heart and purpose among the team members, that we might always speak the same thing, in Jesus’ name.

32. I pray Father and receive protection for every team member, I receive safety and security for us all, in Jesus’ name.

33. Lord, we will not fall for sin and deception, none of us will fall for Satan’s onslaught, in Jesus’s name.

34. I declare that no arrow of death, affliction, spiritual attack, lust, weakness shot from hell will prosper in the life of any of the team member’s in Jesus’ name.

Prayers For The Preachers And Musicians

35. Lord, I pray your anointing on the musicians/worship leaders so they may be able to usher your people into your presence, in Jesus’ name.

36. I declare that all the equipment and music gadget for the meeting will function optimally and properly without fail and disappointment in between, in Jesus’ name.

37. Lord, anoint the preachers with understanding to teach and to preach your word with power, in Jesus’ name.

38. Oh let the word, messages come as sword that pierces the heart and hammer that breaks the rock into pieces, in Jesus’ name.

39. Heal and deliver through them Lord, in Jesus’ name.

40. Help them to yield to the Spirit all the time so they can speak your mind to the people and be a blessing indeed to every participant, in Jesus’ name.

PEOPLE ALSO READ: Prayer Points For Revival And Restoration

Prayers For Fair Whether

41. Father, I pray that we may enjoy favorable whether condition every day of the meeting, in Jesus’ name.

42. The sun will shine for the good of the program, the rain will fall for its good, none will bring disturb and hindrance, in Jesus’ name.

43. Lord, let nature obey you today and work for the good of the program, no bad weather for those that will be flying in, no natural disaster, hurricane, earthquakes, typhoons, no Lord, not this time, for the sake of the meeting, Lord, in Jesus’ name.  

Prayers For Safety Of Participants

44. Lord, I receive safety for every participants to and from the meetings, in Jesus’ name.

45. The air is safe for those flying in, the roads are safe for those coming by road, the train are safe for everyone coming and going by train, in Jesus’ name.

46. I receive all round protection for every one that will attend the meeting all day, to and fro, in Jesus’ name.

Prayers Peace And Security In The Land

47. Lord, I pray for peace in the land, no war, no upheaval, no political unrest all the time of the meeting, in Jesus’ name.

48. Father, I rebuke the spirit of violence and bloodshed, I declare peace in the north, peace in the south, peace in the east and west of the city and nation for the sake of the program, in Jesus’s name.

49. Lord, give your warrior angels the charge over the cities, countries and nations to foster peace and prosperity for our sake, in Jesus’ name.

50. Lord, give us peace in the air, in the sea, on the land, in government, among the citizens, yes, give us peace by all means, in Jesus’ name.


Now, go ahead and thank God for answer to prayers, in Jesus’ name.

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Certainly, these are not all there is to prayer points for youth program, but these are enough to help you cover most major areas of your program.

And as you pray and begin to yield to the Spirit, we believe He will lead you on and inspire you with more prayers that are direct, specific and that fit your particular and individual need for the program.

Trust the Holy Spirit, He’s able to do exceeding abundantly above all you could ever even imagined or ask. (See Ephesians 3:20, KJV)

Now, we want to add, that you not only pray these prayer points in your understanding alone, but that you pray them all the more in the spirit.

That way, you will be able to really pray the very mind and the will of God for the program.

(See Romans 8:26-27, NIV)

Plus, you will be able to pray well, sufficiently and ultimately exhaust your prayers.

Yes, you will be able to ‘pray through’ as some persons call it.

And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. (Ephesians 6:18a, NIV)

God bless you.

All the best!  


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