31 Powerful Prayer Against Workplace Enemies

Here is a curated list of prayer guide tagged prayer against workplace enemies that you can use to pray.

There are workplace enemies, you have got to know that.

The enemy, Satan, is busy carrying out his wicked plans all around, at workplace, in homes, religious houses and worship centers, amusement centers, play grounds, educational centers – schools and colleges, everywhere people live, work and play.

Now, your first and preemptive defense against him is to know that he is real and at work where you live, work and play.

Now, such knowledge is not supposed to scare you, but to aid you, give you the advantage over him and put you in a vantage position to deal with him.

Ignorance is the devil’s greatest strength, but when light and knowledge come, he becomes uneasy and frightful because he knows his exit almost always follow his discovery.

So first is to know that Satan is actually actively at work and involved in the day to day activity of your workplace.

That’s a fact.

So now that you know and have discerned his presence, you can readily deal with him.

So, are you ready to take the sword and bullet of the Spirit (the word of God) to rout him and bring down his operation and work at your workplace?

You can and should in the name of the Lord.

Let’s do it.

READ ALSO: Prayer For Protection Against Enemies At Work

Prayer Against Workplace Enemies

The following is a prayer guide tagged prayer against workplace enemies that you can use to pray and exert Christ power and dominion over the devil and his work in your workplace.

1. Lord, in your name, I take and establish the dominion of Christ at my workplace through the power of the Holy Spirit, in Jesus’ name.

2. Lord, I take charge of the heavens’ over my workplace, I declare that it is Holy Ghost filled and angels saturated and infested, in Jesus’ name.

And he dreamed, and behold a ladder set up on the earth, and the top of it reached to heaven: and behold the angels of God ascending and descending on it. (Genesis 28:12, KJV)

3. I ask Lord that you give your warrior angels the charge over my workplace, let your holy warrior angels be on guard, standby and actively at work 24 hours of the day, in Jesus’ name.

Bless the LORD, ye his angels, that excel in strength, that do his commandments, hearkening unto the voice of his word. (Psalm 103:20, KJV)

4. In the name of the Lord of Hosts, I lift the banner of Christ in my workplace and by it, I establish the dominion of Christ there, in Jesus’ name.

5. I enforce the victory of the cross over my life and those of my co-employees at work, in the name of Jesus Christ.

I have sworn by myself, the word is gone out of my mouth in righteousness, and shall not return, That unto me every knee shall bow, every tongue shall swear. (Isaiah 45:23, KJV)

6. I rout and frustrate every wickedness of the wicked, I declare no agenda of the wicked will be successfully executed at my workplace, in Jesus’ name.

7. I forestall in the name of the Lord of Hosts, perfected satanic plans in my workplace, I declare they will not prosper any further, in Jesus’ name.

He that committeth sin is of the devil; for the devil sinneth from the beginning. For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that he might destroy the works of the devil. (1 John 3:8, KJV)

8. I ask Lord that you let your fire, fire from the throne begin to burn in every department, office and sections in my workplace, in Jesus’ name.

9. Yes Lord, let your holy fire burn on the walls, the ground, the stairways, the balconies, the chairs and desks in my workplace for cleansing and dominion, in Jesus’ name.

10. Yes Lord, from the entrance gate to the exit gates (if there are any), I ask that your fire descend on them and begin to burn beyond control, in Jesus’ name.

11. I completely make my work place a danger zone to Satan and his activities through the fire of the Holy Spirit, in Jesus’ name.

Then the fire of the LORD fell, and consumed the burnt sacrifice, and the wood, and the stones, and the dust, and licked up the water that was in the trench. (1 Kings 18:38, KJV)

12. Now, Lord, I bring your power against every wickedness that has been entrenched into the system and has become endemic, in Jesus’ name.

13. I ask for a cleansing, a purging on the system by your power, in Jesus’ name.

14. Let every evil planted and rooted in the system be rooted up and out of my workplace, in Jesus’ name.

15. Yes, I declare the evil useless and wasted by the power of the Holy Spirit, in Jesus’ name.

But he answered and said, Every plant, which my heavenly Father hath not planted, shall be rooted up. (Matthew 15:13, KJV)

16. I declare that through the power of the Holy Spirit, I am insulated and immune from all form of evil, shape and fashion in my work and at my workplace, in Jesus’ name.

PEOPLE ALSO READ: Psalms For Protection Against Enemies At Work

17. Yes, in the name of Lord, I bring God’s judgment on every unrepentant servant of Satan through whom he perpetrates evil in my workplace, in Jesus’ name.

18. Yes, every messenger of Satan in human form in my workplace will fall into the pit they have dug, in Jesus name.

He made a pit, and digged it, and is fallen into the ditch which he made. (Psalm 7:15, KJV)

19. I refuse to be a victim of the manipulation of Satan and his agents, in my workplace, in Jesus’ name.

20. Yes, I will never fall into their trap and lure by the power and grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, in Jesus’ name.

For thou wilt light my candle: the LORD my God will enlighten my darkness. For by thee I have run through a troop; and by my God have I leaped over a wall. (Psalm 18:28-29, KJV)

21. Now, Lord, I ask that you visit with the management of my organization and rid it of every Satan’s representative, in Jesus’ name.

22. Let every servant of Satan that occupies leadership and managerial position in my organization be disgraced out of office, in Jesus’ name.

23. Father, visit with your anvil and hammer on the top echelons of the organization in fire and power so they bow to your will and Lordship, in Jesus’ name.

They shall not hurt nor destroy in all my holy mountain: for the earth shall be full of the knowledge of the LORD, as the waters cover the sea. (Isaiah 11:9, KJV)

24. Father, in your sovereignty, cause every decision maker, supervisor, foreman and administrator of the organization stand and speak up for Christ, in Jesus’ name.

25. Let them serve your purpose, do your bidding and promote righteousness in the workplace, in Jesus’ name.

26. Yes Lord, I declare that righteousness prevails over wickedness and iniquities in my workplace, in Jesus’ name.

27. Yes Lord, light prevails over darkness and heaven over hell in my work and workplace through the power of the Spirit of grace and holiness, in Jesus’ name.

And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not. (John 1:5, KJV)

28. The management serves your purpose, the admin serves your purpose, and everyone is doing your bidding for the good of all, in Jesus’ name.

29. I claim for every staff member and worker, strength, wisdom and grace to be at their cutting edge in the discharge of their duties, in Jesus’ name.

30. I receive for every top management staff, the grace, wisdom and understanding to drive the organization to growth and good success, in Jesus’ name.

As for these four children, God gave them knowledge and skill in all learning and wisdom: and Daniel had understanding in all visions and dreams. (Daniel 1:17, KJV)

31. Our efforts will not be cut short by wicked, corrupt and perverse individuals who feed, thrive and live on evil and wickedness, in Jesus’ name.


Now, go ahead and thank God for answer to prayer, in Jesus’ name.

PEOPLE ALSO READ: Prayer Against Enemies At Work


On and on and on, there’s so much you can say and pray against enemies at your workplace, but this list of prayer points will do.

It is not the volume of prayer that counts, but the faith and power that accompanies the prayer.

Now, if you pray through this guide on prayer against workplace enemies sincerely, earnestly and with faith in your heart, you will see the change you desire in your workplace, you will soon start to experience the reign and dominion of Christ at will in your workplace.

Now, to help you take your prayer beyond the list and on to the next level of power, we would ask that you go praying in the spirit and in tongues.

That way, you will be able to readily get in on the mind of God and pray it for the occasion. (See Romans 8:26-27, NIV)

Through it also, you will be able to pray in power, pray well, pray satisfactorily and then exhaust your prayers.

Do well to pray in your understanding – praying the list, but you will do much better if you give yourself all the more to praying in the spirit.

And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. (Ephesians 6:18a, NIV)

God bless you.

All the best!


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