Love is in the air, it’s valentine.
Here are happy Valentine’s Day prayer you can say for yourself, family, wife, friends, daughter, boyfriend, teachers and even as a pastor.
The greatest thing in the world is love.
It is not racial, not tribal, doesn’t know religion, it’s timeless, doesn’t know nationality and boundaries.
It has no respect for age, and time and it is long lasting (that’s when it is true love).
It doesn’t fail, because God is love…for God does not fail. (See 1 Corinthians 13:7, NIV)
Yes, human love is selfish most of the time and susceptible to failure, heart breaks and disappointments.
But the greatest of love is God’s unconditioned love expressed towards humanity in Christ Jesus, this love does not fail.
Well, no matter your experience with love, it is important you know how best to give and receive love from people and from God.
Your prayers and wishes are a way to give and receive love.
That said, let’s now get to our subject on happy Valentine’s Day prayer.
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Happy Valentine’s Day Prayers
Here are happy Valentine’s Day prayer you can say for yourself, family, wife, friends, daughter, boyfriend, teachers and even as a pastor:
Valentine Prayer For Husband
Father, I thank you for the blessing of a lovely, godly husband you gave me, I am glad and happy that you made our paths to cross.
Thank for how far you have brought us, the blessing of live and love you have lavished upon us.
Now, I pray for my husband, I ask that you hold his hand, lift his head, stable him and give him more wisdom to lead the home.
I ask Lord, that you feel his heart with grace to take spiritual, material, financial and physical responsibility for the family.
I pray Lord that you bless the work of his hands with increase, progress and prosperity.
Lord, help him to love you more and to love me too, in Jesus’ name, I pray.
These and many more I wish and pray for, in Jesus’ name.
Valentine Prayer For Wife
Lord, bless my wife with increase understanding and wisdom to build our home.
I pray Lord that this season of valentine will bring her all the desires and wishes of her heart for a life of love, beauty and grace.
May you strengthen her with all grace and power by the Holy Spirit!
And may you keep her alive for me and the entire family, in Jesus’ name.
I pray Lord that you reward her for all she does for me and for the family, may she reap the fruit of her prayer labor, her financial and emotional support and advise, in Jesus’ name.
Thank you Lord for answer to prayers, in Jesus’ name.
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Valentines Prayer For Family
Father, may this family find true love, the greatest of love in you as we gather together today to celebrate your faithfulness and love first of all and then celebrate ourselves.
Lord, give your gift and blessing of peace to my family, cause us to hold on to you in times of trouble, help us to stay together as one in good time and in trouble times.
May your word, Spirit and power bind us together as one for time and eternity!
Bless the work of our hands with increase, progress and success.
Keep us alive for one another Lord and teach us to stand together in all things, in Jesus’ name.
May your will alone be done in the family.
Give us peace, health, wealth and undying love for one another this valentine day, in Jesus’ name, I pray.
Valentine Prayer For Daughter
Dear Father, I pray that you help my daughter find true love in Christ and in people.
I ask that you hold her stable in her emotion and mind Lord.
I pray that as she grows and navigates the world, you will help and inspire her with right choices about life, friends, career and work.
Let her find and discover in time, the true meaning of life and love, in Jesus’ name.
I pray Lord that you keep her from wicked and discerning men who are bent on taking advantage of her, abuse and violate her.
Lord, keep her from evil and keep evil from her, yes Lord, keep her as the apple of your ears by the power of the Holy Spirit, in Jesus’ name. (See Psalm 17:8, KJV and Zechariah 2:8, KJV)
Let her grow to know you as Lord, love you as savior, discover her purpose in life and then live to serve the cause and purpose for which you created her on earth.
These and more, I pray and wish my daughter this valentine day, in Jesus’ mighty name.
Valentines Prayer For Friends
Lord, I pray and lift up all my friends, well-wishers and loved ones before you this valentine day, I pray that you bless them with true love, love in Christ and love in people.
I pray that anyone of them battling with emotional issues, traumas will be healed by the balm of Gilead. (Jeremiah 8:22)
Lord, bless and uphold them with good relationships, blessed and pleasant relationships that will make them fulfil destiny and stay happy in you.
Bless, I pray thee, every one of my friend, with the best that love offers, with the beauty and graces of life, of the earth and above all, the beauty and glory of heaven.
Let them find true love and meaning in you Lord and in your Son, Jesus Christ of Nazareth.
These and many more I pray for my friends this valentine day, in Jesus’ name.
Valentine Prayer For Boyfriend
Oh Lord, my wish and prayer for my boyfriend this valentine day is peace and prosperity.
I ask that you fill his heart with love for you and love for me.
I pray that you guide his steps through life and his choices on the go, every day.
Make him into a man of wisdom and understanding.
May you give him grace to take spiritual, mental, material and financial responsibility for self and for his future!
Yes, grow him Lord to become responsible in all he does, say and think.
Make him too Lord into a man of prayer, full of faith and wisdom like Stephen, in Jesus’ name. (Acts 6:8, KJV)
Teach him to be responsible and accountable to you Lord and to the people you have surrounded him with, in Jesus mighty name I pray this day.
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Valentine’s Day Prayer For Teachers
Lord, I pray for teachers all across this nation this day, I ask that you stable them with love, grace and glory to continue to help do you work on earth – the work of molding lives and shaping destinies.
I pray that you bless them with wisdom, understanding, knowledge, skill and the fear of the Lord to look after our children.
May they be kept and protected from crime, harm and evil by the power of the Holy Spirit, in Jesus’ name.
May they find fulfilment in their job, and may their reward first of all be here on earth and afterwards, in heaven.
Bless their home with beauty, their marriages and families with glory, stability and progress in all things, in Jesus’ name.
These and many more I pray and wish for teachers on this valentine day, in Jesus’ name.
Pastoral Prayer For Valentine’s Day
Lord, let today be the most blessed day of all, let many around the world find true love in Christ and in people today.
Let, we pray thee Lord, the deception, lies and lurking evil that Satan has built and locked into valentine not proliferate again.
We pray and bring under the feet and Lordship of Christ, this day, let it be truly a day to receive and to give true, genuine and perfect love.
Yes, Lord, let the peoples of the earth find love, let everyone looking for true love find one in you and in people, in Jesus’ name.
Bless the world again with a fresh baptism of love, grace, glory and beauty like you did on the cross in Jesus.
Yes, let your creation, every man and woman on earth come to know the sacrifice of love.
Let love and not selfishness prevails today over all, in Jesus’ name.
Teach us to put others first and ahead of us in everything.
Help us to bear the burdens of the weak, the sick, poor, widow, orphans and the lost, for in this is love truly manifested, that we give our strength to serve the weak. (See Romans 15:1, NIV)
Thank you for answer to prayers, in Jesus’ name.
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On and on, there’s so much you can pray and wish for on valentine day, but these happy Valentine’s Day prayer are good enough to help you give and receive love.
May the Lord grant your wish and desire for all on this valentine day!
May all your prayers be answered by the Lord and may you leave to see the answer to your prayers in the lives of everyone you have wished and prayed, this valentine day.
And may you be able to give and receive true love from God and people today also, in Jesus’ name.
The Lord bless you, keep you, cause His face to shine upon you, be gracious to you, lift up His countenance upon you and give you peace today and forever, in Jesus’ name. (See Number 6:24-26, KJV)
May this happy valentine’s day prayer meet you well, in Jesus’ name.
Happy Valentine.
God bless you.