23+ Psalms For Financial Breakthrough

23+ Psalms For Financial Breakthrough

Here are powerful psalms for financial breakthrough you can say and or pray over your life and business to bring on financial prosperity. The Psalm is a part of God’s holy word, latent with the life and power of God Himself. So when you pray or say them over a situation, you are releasing the power of God into that situation. And when God’s power through His word declared gets in contact with that situation, it will change it, turning it around for good and for glory. Releasing the power of God through His word into your finances is the most powerful habit you can ever cultivate in your Christian walk and discipline. It is to this end that we have put together these psalms for financial breakthrough to help…
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23+ Psalms For Mercy And Forgiveness

23+ Psalms For Mercy And Forgiveness

Here are psalms for mercy and forgiveness you can say and or pray if you seeking mercy and or forgiveness from the Lord. God’s mercy is forever, the holy writ says. (1 Chronicles 16:34) He forgives all your iniquities, it says. (Psalm 103:3) Surely, the psalm is replete with scriptures on mercy and forgiveness that you can use to obtain mercy and or forgiveness from the Lord.   You don’t need to shut yourself out and off because you have sinned against God. No, take His word in the psalms and in any other part of the Bible and go to God with those words to obtain mercy from the Lord. (See Hebrews 4:16, NIV) Are you ready to make your lips do its job saying psalms for mercy and forgiveness?…
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23+ Powerful Psalm To Attract Customers

23+ Powerful Psalm To Attract Customers

Here are psalm to attract customers that you can say and or pray over your business. See, everybody, every of your competitors employ some supernatural means in their business. You had better believe that. Don’t be fooled. The people of the world who you are up against as competitors in your business have some places the go and some people they see just so that their businesses will do well and prosper immensely. Yes, you need to do all you need to do to position your business for success, but after you’ve done them, there’s one more thing to do – employing the supernatural power of God to back you up for success and breakthrough. This is why you need to learn to pray and fast. This is why you…
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31+ Great Psalm For Business Success

31+ Great Psalm For Business Success

Promises, Psalms
Here’s a list of psalm for business success you can say over your business and you can pray also. Psalms are some of the most powerful scriptures in the Holy Bible. With the Psalm, you can invoke God’s power and presence over a thing, over a person and even over a situation. With it, you can release the grace of God as defense, protection and preservation over your business. Plus, with the psalm you can induce the cloud and cause it to bring forth abundance of rain over your business and household. There’s so much you can do with the Psalms, so much that even the enemy uses it to have his way with people….why because it is God’s word, and God’s word will work for whoever works it, whether…
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