31 Helpful Scriptures To Read While Fasting And Praying
Here are inspiring, helpful and faith-filled scriptures to read while fasting and praying. They will stir your faith to take a hold of God – that’s exactly what you need in time of waiting, fasting and praying. Don’t just go fasting and praying without arming yourself with scriptures that promise the blessings of God that fasting brings, that reinstate the integrity and faithfulness of God, and that reassure of the goodness of God and that confirm and re-establish the fact that God answers prayer today. Did you get that? Now, let’s break it down for easy understanding. When fasting and praying, look and read up scriptures that: 1. Promise you the blessings of God that fasting brings/activates and or obtained through fasting 2. Reaffirm the integrity and faithfulness of God…