31 Powerful Scriptures For Fasting For A Job

31 Powerful Scriptures For Fasting For A Job

Fasting, Promises
If you are waiting on God for a job, here are scriptures for fasting for a job that you can use to fast and pray for breakthrough in that regard. God created work before He created humanity. He created man when He was done creating a job for him. So, man was actually created for work. That explains why God is against idleness and stealing. (See Ephesians 4:28, KJV) He wants you have your own job, build a career, have a trade or run your own business. God wants you gainfully employed and productively engage. That’s why you should resist by all means, anything that may be standing in your way to being productively engaged, making the most of your time. Now, if you find yourself not being able to…
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43 Great Scriptures For Fasting For Breakthrough

43 Great Scriptures For Fasting For Breakthrough

Fasting, Promises
Here are scriptures for fasting for breakthrough that you can use to pray and stand on as you seek the Lord in fasting and praying for breakthrough in any area of your life. Without scriptures to stand on and make your case with God, it doesn’t matter how long you fast, you may never have your desired breakthrough. This is because God has His own laid down rule and approach to reaching Him and having His ears, it is the word approach. No other way will do. Fasting alone will not. God is not under obligation to meet you and answer your prayer even when you fast, He is only under obligation to honor His word. So when you approach Him on the basis of His word, He will honor…
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31 Fasting For Breakthrough And Deliverance Scriptures

31 Fasting For Breakthrough And Deliverance Scriptures

Fasting, Promises
Looking for breakthrough and deliverance scriptures to use as a guide in fasting and prayer? This post tagged fasting for breakthrough and deliverance scriptures will be of help to you. It will be important to state here that God is not moved by fasting. He is the same God when you fast and when you don’t. The impact of fasting is on you; it helps you to be more opened to hear and to receive from God. It shows a desperation on your part that you really needed a change. And God will honor and respond to that desperation. It also helps you to bring your body and its passions under control, you are humbled through it. (See Psalm 35:13, KJV) It helps to intensify the anointing on your life…
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31 Powerful Scriptures For Fasting For Healing

31 Powerful Scriptures For Fasting For Healing

Fasting, Promises
Here are scriptures for fasting for healing that you can use to pray. Healing is yours in Christ, it is your birth right. So if you are sick or infirmed, you have a blood bought right in Christ Jesus to be healed and freed from it. It is Satan that puts sickness on people, and it is God’s to undo the work of the devil by healing. Sickness is an oppression of the devil, Jesus is anointed of God with the Holy Ghost and power to heal all who are oppressed of the devil. (Acts 10:38, NIV) Now, you don’t necessarily have to go fasting to be healed, but there is ‘this kind’ that will not go unless you push farther by going the extra mile in fasting. (See Matthew…
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Fasting And Praying For A Miracle: The Faith Way

Fasting And Praying For A Miracle: The Faith Way

Fasting, Prayer
Do you want a miracle desperately and are considering going fasting and praying for it, then this guide on fasting and praying for a miracle may be of help to you. Some things come with prayer, while others will come only when you apply the force of fasting to your prayer. Miracles are real, they are God’s gift of love to everyone who believes. It is normal in God’s realm, faith brings it home and real to you – the human physical realm. You can assess them any time of the day if you know how to plug into the realm – the realm of the miraculous. Well, that’s what we want to show you in this post on praying and fasting for a miracle. Learning how to plug into…
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Fasting And Praying For A Job: Best Practice

Fasting And Praying For A Job: Best Practice

Fasting, Prayer
If you are looking for job and are considering going for a fast in that regard, this guide on fasting and praying for a job will be of help to you. God created work for man and man primarily for fellowship with Him and secondarily for work. (See Genesis 2:11-20, KJV). Work is good, God created it. And He did primarily to give man opportunity to express his ability and be creative. Yes, God created work for you so that through it, you will be able to express His creative ability in you. Plus, God created work for man so that He (God) will have a channel through which He can bless man. Your work is one of God’s channel to blessing you. He will bless the work of your…
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Fasting And Praying In The Bible (And You Today)

Fasting And Praying In The Bible (And You Today)

God’s word is replete with accounts and incidences of fasting and praying in the bible that you can learn some lessons from. People in bible days fasted for many reasons that you fast for today; they fast for breakthrough, they fast to ask and receive direction from the Lord, they fast in repentance from sin, they fast to avert imminent judgment and danger, they fast to shape history, to secure God’s help and intervention in times of trouble. There’s so much in there that you can learn a great deal from. Now, if you do what people in bible days did, in the same way they did it and do same under the same circumstances, you will have the same results they got. That said, let’s now get into scriptures…
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71 Powerful Scriptures To Read While Fasting

71 Powerful Scriptures To Read While Fasting

Fasting, Promises
We wrote a while ago on the immense benefits of fasting and prayer, but today, we are going to be looking at scriptures to read while fasting. Did you ever think and wonder about what exact scriptures you should read and meditate on while waiting on God in fasting? You are not alone in that. While there are no hard and fast rules as to particular scriptures to read while fasting, yet there are some general rules to follow in your reading of scriptures when waiting on God in fasting. The general rule is this: the purpose and motivation for a fast will determine the scriptures that you will read while fasting. Another beautiful practice is to wait on the Lord, look in your spirit and let the Holy Spirit…
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31 Helpful Scriptures To Read While Fasting And Praying

31 Helpful Scriptures To Read While Fasting And Praying

Fasting, Promises
Here are inspiring, helpful and faith-filled scriptures to read while fasting and praying. They will stir your faith to take a hold of God – that’s exactly what you need in time of waiting, fasting and praying. Don’t just go fasting and praying without arming yourself with scriptures that promise the blessings of God that fasting brings, that reinstate the integrity and faithfulness of God, and that reassure of the goodness of God and that confirm and re-establish the fact that God answers prayer today. Did you get that? Now, let’s break it down for easy understanding. When fasting and praying, look and read up scriptures that: 1. Promise you the blessings of God that fasting brings/activates and or obtained through fasting 2. Reaffirm the integrity and faithfulness of God…
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31 Fasting And Prayer Scriptures For Breakthrough

31 Fasting And Prayer Scriptures For Breakthrough

Fasting, Promises
Here are fasting and prayer scriptures for breakthrough you can stand on as you seek God for breakthrough. God’s word is the basis for praying and receiving anything from the Lord. If you come to God seeking and asking Him for breakthrough, your surest stand is His word, that is, scriptures that you can hold up to Him that will commit Him to doing for you what you are asking of Him. The moment you have God’s word to stand on for your breakthrough, then you have God’s commitment to answering your prayer. Don’t ever forget that. That said. Now, let’s get into the Bible to show you scriptures you can arm yourself with when seeking God in fasting and in prayer for breakthrough. READ ALSO: Benefits Of Fasting And…
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