23 Beautiful Love Bible Verses for Valentine’s Day

23 Beautiful Love Bible Verses for Valentine’s Day

Here are a handful of love bible verses for valentine’s day you can share with your spouse, friends and family members to fan the flames of love on this special day. You will never get what you cannot give. So don’t wait to receive love this valentine’s day, you give love, you be the first to reach out and give love today. And you know what? The most beautiful of love is God’s kind of love, love with no strings attached, love that never dies out – always on. (See Romans 8:37-39, KJV) Feelings cannot and does not affect this kind of love, mistakes and errors cannot stop it from expression, and this is the kind of love you are giving this Valentine’s Day, love encapsulated in God’s holy written…
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23 Amazing Happy Valentine’s Day Bible Verses

23 Amazing Happy Valentine’s Day Bible Verses

Here are Valentine’s Day Bible verses you can show and share with your family and loved ones. February 14 is a day set aside world over as Valentine’s Day. A day for celebrating love and showing love to your loved ones. Though cannot be traced to the scriptures but Christianity from beginning to the end is an expression of the love of the Father to us all, and this love is shed abroad in our hearts and propels our actions towards all that we do and encounter. Yes, at the heart of the Christian faith is love, it is the badge of Christianity. Jesus, the greatest lover of all time commanded Christians all over the world to love the Lord and love one another the same way and measure with…
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Special Happy Valentine’s Day Prayer

Special Happy Valentine’s Day Prayer

Love is in the air, it’s valentine. Here are happy Valentine’s Day prayer you can say for yourself, family, wife, friends, daughter, boyfriend, teachers and even as a pastor. The greatest thing in the world is love. It is not racial, not tribal, doesn’t know religion, it’s timeless, doesn’t know nationality and boundaries. It has no respect for age, and time and it is long lasting (that’s when it is true love). It doesn’t fail, because God is love…for God does not fail. (See 1 Corinthians 13:7, NIV) Yes, human love is selfish most of the time and susceptible to failure, heart breaks and disappointments. But the greatest of love is God’s unconditioned love expressed towards humanity in Christ Jesus, this love does not fail. Well, no matter your experience…
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31 Special Valentine Day Prayers And Wishes

31 Special Valentine Day Prayers And Wishes

Love is in the air, time to give and receive love from God and from people, these valentine day prayers and wishes may help you find a way to receive and give love. Although, love is an everyday thing, yet Valentine’s Day is a special day to resound louder the trumpet of love, give and express it deeper than you've ever done. It is also a day and time to heal from the wounds of love, by letting God pour the love of Christ afresh upon your heart for healing. Yes, while valentine is generally love expressed within the human people, it is best to remember that there’s a type of love that is stronger, eternal and better than any love you can give and get from any human person.…
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31 Special Back To School Prayer Points (For Teachers And Students)

31 Special Back To School Prayer Points (For Teachers And Students)

Here are back to school prayer points you can use to pray for teachers and students upon resumption. If there was ever anytime to seriously pray for our schools, it is now. The shootings, killings, kidnapping that our children and teachers have experienced in the past few years is alarming, so much that it requires a call for spiritual state of emergency. The devil is all out to kill our children and their teachers, robbing them of life, value and future. We cannot continue to keep quiet and just watch. No. We call and declare a spiritual state of emergency on our schools. We have to pray to secure God’s intervention in the matter, ask for His protection going forward so we can help protect and secure the future of…
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Why Are The Psalms So Powerful? 5 Reasons That Count

Why Are The Psalms So Powerful? 5 Reasons That Count

Today, let us endeavor to resolve this statement: why are the psalms so powerful? Did you ever wonder why God’s word is full of power and relevant for all time even in this century? It is because God’s breathe in on His word. (See 2 Timothy 3:16, NIV) That’s true of the Psalms too, a vital part of God’s word. To begin with, it will be well for you to understand that the psalm is the song and prayer book of Israel. Let us even just call it one of the two; the prayer book of Israel. Usually, the Jews chant their prayers, so you can see why it will be best to call it the prayer-song book of Israel. Most of the psalms are written by King David, the…
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31 Special Prayer Points For Soul Winning (With Scriptures)

31 Special Prayer Points For Soul Winning (With Scriptures)

'He that winneth souls is wise,' the Scripture declares. (Proverbs 11:30b, KJV) Now, here are prayer points for soul winning you can use to pray for yourself and for souls in your efforts to reaching and winning the lost. The job closest to the heart of the Father is soul winning. Jesus made it a major focus and stay of His ministry on earth. The Son of man came to seek and to save that which was lost, He affirmed at His meeting with Zacchaeus. (See Luke 19:1-10, KJV) It was to that end He died on the cross, was buried and on the third day rose from the dead to make life and light available to whoever will believe. Jesus was a success at soul winning, that’s because He…
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31 Powerful Prayer Points To Revive Prayer Life

31 Powerful Prayer Points To Revive Prayer Life

If your prayer altar is dried, suffering and almost totally cold, here are prayer points to revive prayer life that you can use to pray. A prayer-less Christian is a power-less Christian, that’s a fact. Your faith life is as robust as your prayer life, that’s another fact. That tells you one thing: to be mighty with God, you have to be mighty in prayer. For reasons that I do not understand, it seems to me that it is through prayer that you activate and keep the power of God on your life 24/7. Jesus was that way, primarily because He was given to prayers. (See Luke 5:15-16, NIV) He loved spending quality time in prayer and fellowship with the Father, He did this mostly in the early hours of…
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31 Strong Prayers For Someone To Be Released From Jail

31 Strong Prayers For Someone To Be Released From Jail

If you have someone in prison and you are trusting God for their soon release, then this list of prayer points tagged: prayer for someone to be released from jail may be of help to you. If you know the trouble of having being imprisoned, you certainly will not want your friend, brother, sister, husband and or relative there. There’s no freedom in jail. There’s no true light, no sunshine in prison; everything is dark and gloomy. Life and destiny is halted and on-hold when in prison. Many a person are never able to catch up with life when they are released from prison particularly if they were jailed in the prime of the lives and had to serve full term in jail with hard labor. It is a terrible…
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31 Powerful Prayers To Be Released From Prison

31 Powerful Prayers To Be Released From Prison

If you are in jail and are reading this, here’s a list of prayers tagged; prayer to be released from prison that you can use to pray. God is a Father, His heart is burdened when He sees you incarcerated, limited and not being able to explore and maximize your full potential. You may have been in jail for crimes you committed. That’s okay. That’s justice having its way with you. But you know something: mercy is greater than justice and our God is merciful. He will make a way for you out of prison, He will see to it that you receive pardon and are freed, in Jesus’ name. Don’t quit and give up on yourself, if God can do and use anything, He can still do and use…
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