31 Powerful Scriptures To Pray Against Stagnation

31 Powerful Scriptures To Pray Against Stagnation

Here are scriptures to pray against stagnation that you should use as your major arsenal as you face stagnation head-on in prayer. Stagnation is a demon, a wicked evil spirit –servant of Satan that the devil employ and send around the world to go about afflicting many people. You have got to stand up against it in faith and through prayer. You have got to resist it in faith and ultimately deploy the power of the Holy Ghost against it. That way, you will force it out of your life, situation, and circumstances once and for all time. (See Mark 16:17b, KJV) Seeing that God works by His word, through the agency of the Spirit, therefore, the best weapon you are to deploy on stagnation to crush it, is God’s…
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