50+ Mercy Scriptures In Psalms
This post is a collection of mercy scriptures in psalms. The psalms is the number one repertoire of scriptures on mercy in the entire Holy Bible, from the Old Testament to the new. It is home to more than 50 scriptures on mercy. God’s anger is for a moment, but His mercy endures forever, the scripture teaches. (Psalm 30:5, and 107:1) It is of the Lord’s mercy that you are not consumed, (destroyed and conquered by Satan and His evil hordes of darkness), His compassion (mercy, loving kindness) fails not, great is His faithfulness. (Lamentations 3:22-23, KJV) What could be more reassuring in these uncertain times that we live in than the word of God! There’s nothing like the mercy of God. If there’s any subject of scripture that you…